




1.十分钟.K.L时期共事,后者为李孝利制作了从第一张专辑《十分钟(Ten minutes)》到最近的《Hey girl》中的热门歌曲。



1.This man kept on talking for about ten minutes, and might have continued for ten hours if he had not been rudely interrupted by Harlow.这个人一连讲了十分钟左右,要不是哈洛粗声粗气地打断他的话,说不定他会讲上十个小时的。

2.Usually sets up dry time for a few minutes to more than ten minutes, and a maximum of flexographic drying to a dozen or so hours.凡是凹版烘潮工夫为几分钟到十几分钟,而柔版烘潮最多给十几小时。

3.Ten minutes later, I saw her walking towards me, carrying a package in her arms. On her face was the brightest smile I had ever seen.十分钟后,我看到她向我走来,双臂抱着一束东西,脸上露出我所见过的最灿烂的笑容。

4."You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, " said the merchant. "It is only ten minutes since you bought him. "“你不可能已经好好试过了,”卖驴的人说,“你买了它才十几分钟。”

5.But that night, leave me to call you to go home to less than ten minutes, someone from the cpnic to call, the phone can hear you sad cry.而那一晚,离我去喊你回家不到十分钟,就有人从医务室打电话来,电话里听得见你悲惨的哭喊声。

6.We chatted a bit and then he let me go so I could relax for ten minutes before the next interviewer called.我们聊了一会儿然后就结束了,这样我能在下一个电面打进来前休息10分钟。

7.Sri Aurobindo did not wink an eye during the entire ten minutes I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.室利阿罗频多在我观看着他的整整十分钟之内都未眨一下眼睛,他看起来并不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。

8.Habits of exercise for ten minutes are pkely to be forgotten, while two hours of exercise a day might be too hard to take all at once.10分钟左右的锻炼习惯很容易就被忘记;而一次就做到每天锻炼2个小时则太难了。

9.But I`m ready to go with you in ten minutes .但是在十分钟后我准备好跟你一起出去了。

10.It was the last day of the year and lots of young people stood under the building clock. It would strike twelve in ten minutes .这是今年的最后一天,很多年轻人站在这栋楼的大钟下面,指针还有十分钟就指到十二了。