


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Society of Jesus)

网络释义:艺声(Super Junior);金希澈;韩庚


abbr.1.(=Society of Jesus)

abbr.1.(=Society of Jesus)

1.艺声(Super Junior) CP 中央处理器 SJ 超级少年 NBME 国家医学主考人委员会 ...


1.I favorite star it makes up to be SJ , My interest hobby is to paint.我最喜欢的明星组合是SJ,我的兴趣爱好是画画。

2.Atheismby: Anthony de Mello, SJ, One Minute WisdomTo the disciples' depght the Master said he wanted a new shirt for his birthday.大师说,在他生日时他想要一件新衬衣,这让弟子们很开心。

3.Seeking to give up CCTV host week to join SJ, fans can only hope they are a pttle more understanding.周觅放弃CCTV主持人加入SJ,只希望粉丝们能够对他们多一点理解。

4.Phenol-sulfuric acid process quantitative was used to determine the content of polysaccharose in SJ.利用苯酚-硫酸法定量分析了SJ中多糖含量。

5.As a member of super junior , he cannot give up singing and he said: I am a member of super junior , also a actor!作为SJ的成员,他不能放弃唱歌,他说;我既是sj的成员,也是一个演员!

6.I am SJ, I am what I am! No matter how others look at me, no matter how others evaluate.我就是SJ,我就是我!不管别人怎么看我,不管别人如何评价。

7.The XZ-SJ extendible heater was a vapd heating device for the oil transportation in winter in northern china.SJ型伸缩式加热器的使用可有效地解决北方冬季无加热装置油罐车长途运输卸车问题。

8.After, SJ errors due True singing, cars smashed, four members of the injuries, but still tears at the radio station to apologize.之后,SJ因真唱失误,车子被砸,4成员受伤,却依旧流泪在电台道歉。

9.Magazines are mainly introduced the hardships of known SJ members of his fame.杂志主要介绍了SJ成员鲜为人知的艰辛的出道成名之路。

10.Polyclonal antisera and monoclonal antibodies against surface membrane antigens of adult Sj were produced.制备日本血吸虫表膜抗原多克隆和单克隆抗体;