




1.墨西哥辣椒 32. Green Apple 青苹果 33. Jalapeno 墨西哥胡椒 34. Chocolate Cake 曲奇 ...

4.墨西哥绿辣椒 6. Pickle( 酸黄瓜) 7. Jalapeno( 墨西哥绿辣椒) 8. Banana Peppers( 黄辣椒) ...

5.墨西哥青辣椒本来想将就用墨西哥青辣椒Jalapeno)来替代,但昨天超市已经卖完了。辣椒区的另外几种辣椒有红、有绿,个头都大得像 …

6.墨西哥青椒墨西哥青椒 (Jalapeno) – 大约一块鸡腿肉配一条Jalapeno,切成缺口环状,也就是先沿长边切一刀但不剖断,之后再横切成片 …


1.The president ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, jalapeno peppers, and mustard as well as several other cheeseburgers to go.总统要了有生菜、西红柿、墨西哥胡椒和芥菜的汉堡包,以及几个干酪汉堡包。

2.The president ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, jalapeno peppers, and mustard as well as several other cheese burgers to go.奥巴马点了一份夹带生菜、西红柿,墨西哥胡椒和芥末的芝士汉堡,以及一些其他口味的汉堡。

3.As you can tell, Limited Edition Tim McGraw Spicy Jalapeno Frito Corn Chips aren't for everybody, but those who love them, truly love them.看得出来,并不是所有人都喜欢这玩意,除了那些爱它们,真正爱它们(玉米片)的人。

4.Mrs Cpnton's penchant for spicy food is reportedly so notorious that fpght stewards bring jalapeno spces to her with every dish.希拉里嗜辣众所周知,在飞行途中,几乎每一道菜都要乘务员给她加点墨西哥胡椒粉。

5.The explosive force of a cherry bomb of jalapeno is more than capable of dislodging a ladder from a Wall-nut.胡椒和樱桃炸弹爆炸所产生的威力,远不止冲走墙果上的梯子这么简单。

6.In a bowl, mix together the shrimp, jalapeno and mint. Add the vinegar dressing and toss. Spoon the shrimp mixture into the cucumber rounds.碗中倒入虾,与胡椒肉末搅拌均匀。加醋调味,搅拌,把虾放入黄瓜圈内。

7.Watermelon-Jalapeno Margaritas: *New favorite cocktail alert! * Smoky, spicy, sweet, and sour, this drink is an absolute must.西瓜辣椒玛格丽特:*鸡尾酒新欢警报!*冒着白烟,口味辛辣,酸甜适中。这杯饮料绝对要喝。

8.Jalapeno: A good name for a dog with a sometimes fiery disposition.一个好名字,有时用狗火热处置。

9.Jalapeno peppers vary in heat, so it is important to taste the salsa to ensure you do not make it too hot to handle.墨西哥胡椒的辣味有轻有重,只有尝过才能确保沙司不至于过辣,所以这一步很重要。

10.Flour tortilla filled with green and red capsicum, onions, mozzarella cheese, taco seasoning with basil jalapeno served in tomato salsa.自选鸡肉或牛肉墨西哥饼配以,甜椒,洋葱,马苏里拉芝士,墨西哥辣椒和辛香料,罗勒叶番茄沙沙。