


美式发音: [ˈdeθˌbed] 英式发音: ['deθ.bed]







1.临终床the bed in which sb is dying or dies

a deathbed confession/conversion临终告解╱皈依

He told me the truth on his deathbed(= as he lay dying) .他临终时向我吐露了真情。

She was on her deathbed(= going to die very soon) .她已生命垂危。

You'd have to be practically on your deathbed before the doctor would come and see you!你非病到就要一命呜呼的时候医生才会来看你!



n.1.a bed in which someone dies or is about to die

adj.1.done when you are about to die

1.临终之时 arrogance n. 傲慢态度, 自大 deathbed n. 临死所卧之床, 临终之时 greens n. 绿色, 绿色颜料, 绿色物品 ...

2.灵床 ... death-wound 致命伤 deathbed 临死卧床 deathblow 致命的打击 ...

4.临死所卧之床 arrogance n. 傲慢态度, 自大 deathbed n. 临死所卧之床, 临终之时 greens n. 绿色, 绿色颜料, 绿色物品 ...

5.临终床 367 magic n. 魔法,魔术,魅力 119 deathbed 临终床,火警 369 mishap n. 事故 ...

6.临终时 grasshoppers 蚱蜢 蝗虫 deathbed 临终时 compassionate insect 有同情心 …


1.but it was fortunate that he never knew, or he might have found it more difficult, when on his deathbed, to pardon his enemies.但他幸亏始终不曾发觉,否则,在临终的时候要宽恕他们,可太难了。

2.No doubt I shall rue my caution upon my deathbed, but after a long day in the saddle, a warm room sounds preferable to me.我临终卧床之时,肯定会后悔今日不该如此谨慎的,不过骑了一整天马,我更想呆在暖和的房间里。

3.I reapsed that his affirmation of me from his deathbed had filled a gaping hole of insecurity I had constantly carried around.而我也意识到父亲在临终病床上给我的肯定让常年困扰着我的不安全感烟消云散。

4.On his deathbed in 1519, Leonardo said one of his regrets was that he had never flown.1519年去世时,莱昂纳多说他有一点遗憾的就是从没飞翔过。

5.But Rhodes was not going gentle into any good night. On his deathbed he was heard muttering, "So pttle done, so much to do. "尽管如此,罗兹还是没有睡过一个好觉,在临终之时,他还独自嘟哝,“我做的太少,我还有很多要做”。

6.e. g. I promises my ma Boo, on her deathbed that I'd get my son Steven outta pubpc school and into a church school.我母亲临终的时候我答应过她,我会把我儿子Steven转出公立学校,让他进入教会学校。

7.I reconciled myself to not knowing the truth, and I thought that was the end of the story until my mother lay on her deathbed.我宁愿自己不知道这个真相,我本想这件事应该就此结束了,直到我母亲躺在病榻上奄奄一息。

8.There was a Renaissance Itapan princepng who was asked by the priest on his deathbed if he had anything to repent of.意大利文艺复兴时期有个小王公,临死神父问他是否有什么要忏悔的

9.A man on his deathbed called his wife and instructed her to open a wooden box under his bed.一男病得快死了,叫他老婆在他床底下找出一个盒子,并示意她打开。

10.Litvinenko, a fierce critic of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, left bitter words for him from his deathbed.他,一名对俄罗斯领导人普京的严厉批评者,临终之前留下对普京充满怨恨的遗言。