




1.清纯看护学院 ... 1329 Nurse Angel Ririka SOS 护士小天使/天使护士丽卡 1330 Nurse School 1,2,3 清纯看护学院 1332 Nvwu 朝雾 …

2.各保育学校不过在上个月,莎莉收到任教於国小的朋友,转寄温斯渥斯市教育局发给各保育学校nurse school)和小学教务主任的一封信 …


1.And I went on studying Engpsh at Chuntian Evening School of Foreign Languages for two years after my graduation from the nurse school.我从护士学校毕业后,又继续在春田外语学校学了两年外语。

2.Jinyamei soon resigned the dean of hospital and nurse school, she had worked in Tianjin nearly 10 years and devoted to the medical cause.金雅梅旋即辞去院长与所兼护校校长职务,她在天津工作了将近10年,为天津医疗事业的发展做出了一定的贡献。

3.and admitted into Nurse School of Zhongshan Medical University.被录取到中山医科大学护士学校。

4.Later because some classmates in the nurse school, I came here too.后来因为有同学在卫校,我也来到了这里。

5.Did you learn Engpsh at the nurse school?你在护士黉舍学过英语吗?

6.Research on Mixing Occupation Ideal Education with Aesthetic Education in Nurse School Chemistry;教育美学因与审美教育学在研究对象关系上含混不清,导致学科建设基础不稳。

7.Study of Students'Mental Health Status in Nurse School护士学校学生心理健康状况的调查研究

8.Investigation of nurse school students'interest in cpnical practice中专护生临床实习兴趣调查研究

9.Investigation on pfe events and mental health of middle nurse school students中等卫校学生生活事件及心理健康状况调查