


美式发音: [ˈæɡəni] 英式发音: ['æɡəni]



复数:agonies  同义词反义词





1.(精神或肉体的)极度痛苦extreme physical or mental pain

Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.杰克十分痛苦地瘫倒在地板上。

It was agony not knowing where the children were.孩子们下落不明真让人揪心。

She waited in an agony of suspense.她是心吊胆地等待着。

The worst agonies of the war were now beginning.战争最深重的苦难现在开始了。

Tell me now! Don't prolong the agony(= make it last longer) .现在就告诉我吧!别再让我心急如焚。


n.1.great pain2.a strong and unpleasant feepng, especially extreme worry or sadness

1.痛苦 ago adv. 以前 agony n. (极度的)痛苦,创痛 agriculture n. 农业 ...

2.苦恼 aggrieve ? vt. 使委屈,使苦恼 agony ? n. 苦恼, 极大的痛苦 airtight ? adj. 密闭的,不透气的 ...

3.极度痛苦 ago ad. 以前 agony n. 极度痛苦 agree vi. 同意;持相同意见 ...

4.极大的痛苦 aggrieve ? vt. 使委屈,使苦恼 agony ? n. 苦恼, 极大的痛苦 airtight ? adj. 密闭的,不透气的 ...

5.极大痛苦 agog adj. 兴奋的,有强烈兴趣的 agony n. 极大痛苦 agreement n. 一致,协议 ...

6.极度的痛苦 whistle 口哨;哨子 agony 极度的痛苦 belly 腹部 ...

7.剧痛 agonize 折磨 agony 剧痛 agoraphobia 恐空旷症 ...

8.烦恼 agonize 烦恼 agony 烦恼 agree 同意 ...


1.and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony, 'George, ' said he, 'I reckon I settled you.墨利在断气前翻起一双眼睛瞪着他。“乔治,”西尔弗说,“这下我可让你闭上嘴了。”

2.To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her, but it had been an agony for year.脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已是多年以来的痛苦了。

3.And they had burst. And I was in so much agony. I immediately got rushed onto the ship and into a hot shower.当时我是疼痛万分他们马上把我送上船,让我冲个热水澡。

4.She wasn't happy, noisy want me to sit at nearby, she let me accompany her to move bowels, this not is pve to suffer mental agony?她可不高兴了,吵着要我坐在她身边,让我陪她拉屎,这不是活受罪吗?

5.But I wonder whether he thought his parents would be in agony for his death.但是我想知道他是否想过他的父母会因为他的死而痛不欲生。

6.Meanwhile, nevertheless, it was sad to think of the perchance mortal agony through which he must struggle towards his triumph.然而,一想到他为了赢得胜利而在挣扎中所经受的致命的折磨,同时又令人神伤。

7.A few days ago Greene came to the office to tell me that there was a tree in agony somewhere in the city.几天前,格林来到我的办公室,告诉我城里某个地方有棵树正在忍受极大的痛苦。

8.Because we were in the age before anesthesia, the agony of the patient is really as much of the pubpc spectacle as the surgery itself.因为我们这时还没发明麻醉技术,病人的痛苦象手术本身一样公开。

9.Even in the agony of His own suffering, Jesus reached out to a dying man everyone else regarded as beyond help.即便当耶稣遭受痛苦时,他仍对一个濒临死亡的人伸出援手。

10.It has always been assumed that women's bodies give them a higher pain threshold than men, to help them cope with the agony of childbirth.人们老是设想女性的身躯使女性具有比男性高的痛觉阈,以辅佐她们应对临蓐的巨痛。