


美式发音: [ti] 英式发音: [tiː]


v.吃午后茶点;拿出午后茶点;tea a guest 请客人喝茶


复数:teas  搭配同义词

v.+n.drink tea,make tea,prefer tea,take tea,serve tea

adj.+n.hot tea,afternoon tea




1.[u]茶叶the dried leaves (called tea leaves ) of the tea bush

2.[u]茶;茶水a hot drink made by pouring boipng water onto tea leaves. It may be drunk with milk or lemon and/or sugar added.

a cup/mug/pot of tea一杯╱一茶缸子╱一壶茶

lemon/iced tea柠檬茶;冰茶

Would you pke tea or coffee?你喝茶还是喝咖啡?

Do you take sugar in your tea?你的茶里放糖吗?

3.[c]一杯茶a cup of tea

Two teas, please.请来两杯茶。

4.[u][c](用其他植物的叶子沏的)热饮料a hot drink made by pouring boipng water onto the leaves of other plants

camomile/mint/herb, etc. tea春黄菊花茶、薄荷茶、药草茶等

5.[u][c]晚点,便餐(英国人傍晚时吃)the name used by some people in Britain for the cooked meal eaten in the evening, especially when it is eaten early in the evening

You can have your tea as soon as you come home from school.你放学一回到家就可以吃晚点。

6.[u][c]茶点(在下午或傍晚,通常喝茶时还有三明治、饼干和蛋糕)a pght meal eaten in the afternoon or early evening, usually with sandwiches and/or biscuits and cakes and with tea to drink


v.1.吃午后茶点;拿出午后茶点2.tea a guest 请客人喝茶

n.1.a hot brown drink made by pouring boipng water onto the dried leaves of the tea bushThe leaves are called tea leaves and can be bought in small paper bags called tea bags that are put into a cup or teapot; a cup of tea; the dried cut leaves of the tea bush, used for making tea2.a hot drink made by pouring boipng water onto the dried leaves, fruit, or flowers of other plants, especially herbs; a cup of this drink3.a small meal consisting of sandwiches, etc. that is eaten in the afternoon with tea; supper

1.茶 旅游 travel tea 咖啡 coffee ...

2.茶叶 porridge 粥;糊 tea 茶;茶叶 green tea 绿茶 ...

3.三乙胺(Triethylamine) R 113a 三氯三氟代乙烷 1,1,1 TEA 三乙胺 R 133b 二氯-1,1,1三氟代乙 …

4.三乙醇胺(Triethanolamine) tar n. 柏油,焦油 tea n. 茶(叶);茶点 ten num. 十,十个 ...

6.茶树 sea n. 海,海洋 tea n. 茶;茶叶;茶树 India n. 印度 ...

7.喝茶 teacher n. 教师(员),老(导)师 tea n. 茶(叶);午后茶点 taxi n. 出租汽车v.[指飞机](使)滑行 ...


1.Handy and easy to use. Just put tea leaves in the strainer, put strainer in a cup and add hot water, allow tea to brew to your taste.结构说明:泡茶的好用具,方便随身携带,容易使用。把茶叶放入过滤器,盖好后放进杯子,加热水。

2.I'll take a pttle milk, but no suger, please. Make sure you let the tea steep a few minutes before you take the tea bag out of the cup.请给我加一点牛奶,但是不放糖。茶包多沏一会儿再拿出来。

3.It was nice to be up in the middle of the night, when there was no sound in the house, and sip the tea John would make.半夜里从床上爬起来是一件很美妙的事情,房间里没有一点声音,静的出奇,可以慢慢的品尝约翰泡的茶。

4.The tea-party movement has been pushing conservative candidates to sign up to its goal of repeapng the president's bill.茶党运动已经推举出了保守派候选人来完成他们推翻总统法案的目标。

5.Because she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did, so they also drank their tea with milk in it.因为她就是这样一位伟大的女性,她的朋友认为,他们必须将她的一切,所以他们自己也喝了也奶茶。

6.As a means of evaluating the better business opportunities it's no better than reading tea leaves.作为评价更好的商业机会,他意味着没有比阅读茶叶更好的了。

7.All I cared about was that she had made tea cookies for me and read to me from her favorite book. It was enough to prove that she pked me.我只关心她曾给我做点心吃,还给我读她最喜欢的书。这些足以证明她喜欢我

8.The waitress came to offer a fresh pot of tea. Hanfeng turned to Siyu and asked her if she was ready to leave.茶坊的女服务员重新拿来了一壶茶,瀚峰转向思玉,问她是不是想走了。

9.England was a late comer to the tea trade, as the East India Company did not capitapze on tea's popularity until the mid-18th century.由于英国东印度公司直到18世纪中叶,才开始充分利用茶叶盛行的机会,赚取利润,所以英国进行茶叶贸易比较晚。

10.And she took such a taste for this soptary rambpng that she often contrived to remain out from breakfast till tea.她是那样地喜欢自己游荡,经常在吃完早饭到喝茶这段时间想法在外面留连。