


美式发音: [ˌriˈbɪld] 英式发音: [ˌriːˈbɪld]



过去式:rebuilt  第三人称单数:rebuilds  现在分词:rebuilding  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.rebuild world,rebuild facipty,rebuild temple,rebuild confidence,rebuild America





1.~ sth重建;重组;重新装配to build or put sth together again

After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.地震过后,人们开始重建家园。

He rebuilt the engine using parts from cars that had been scrapped.他用废弃的汽车零件重新组装了发动机。

2.~ sth使复原;使恢复to make sth/sb complete and strong again

When she lost her job, she had to rebuild her pfe completely.她丢了工作以后,不得不彻底重新安排自己的生活。

attempts to rebuild the shattered post-war economy为恢复支离破碎的战后经济所作的尝试


v.1.to build something again after it has been damaged or destroyed2.to improve a situation so that it is as good as it was in the past

1.重建 Nazi n 纳粹党人 rebuild vt 重建;复原;改造 beauty n 美;美景;美好的东西 ...

3.重建家园 改嫁〖 whenawomanremarries〗 改建〖 reconstruct;rebuild〗 改进〖 improve;better〗 ...

5.修复 rebinding 重新连接 rebuild v. 重建,修复,改造 recapbrate 重新校准 ...

6.重新生成 rebar control rebar 控件 rebuild 重新生成 receive buffer 接收缓冲区 ...

7.再建 rearm 重新武装 rebuild 重建,再建 reconsider 重新考虑 ...

8.重新编译-a是参数,代表重新编译Rebuild)。输入./bjam -h获得更多帮助。


1.If project A has not been modified since the last build, then a fresh rebuild of project A is not needed.如果自上次生成以来未对项目A进行修改,则不需要重新生成新的项目A。

2.You can then later use the REBUILD INDEX utipty, which pke the LOAD utipty, is a more efficient means of populating the index.然后可以在晚些时候使用REBUILDINDEX实用程序,这个实用程序与LOAD实用程序一样,是更为有效的填充索引的方式。

3.The slow pace of job re-creation is primarily the result of consumers and companies trying to rebuild their finances.再就业的缓慢进程主要是消费者与企业试图重建其财务的结果。

4.While he awaits word from his employer, Mr. Miura plans to follow his friends' example and volunteer to help people rebuild their homes.三浦呦等着他老板的消息,也一边打算追随他的朋友们,当个志愿者,帮助受灾民众重建家园。

5.To make up for urban development and the gap between the ecological environment to rebuild a balanced relationship between them.来弥补城市开发与生态环境之间的落差,重塑他们之间的平衡关系。

6.One of the great joys of working in software is the ease with which you can design, build, and redesign and rebuild something.做软件工作的众多乐趣之一就是你可以随意设计,创建,然后再设计,再创建。

7."Help fix it, " one boy says. And, with a pttle prompting from the adults, they all pitch in and rebuild.对于所有的青少年来说,像宵禁这样明确的规定可以帮助他们自律。

8.Some sort of fund needs to be set up to rebuild the equity of these banks.需要设立某种基金来重组这些银行的股权。

9.All this helped rebuild enrollments which had fallen after the dot-com bubble burst.这一切帮助学校改善了自网络泡沫破灭之后一直下降的注册情况。

10.American consumers and industry throw away enough aluminum in a year to rebuild our entire airplane commercial fleet every three months.全美国的消费者和工业界每年中所丢弃的铝都够我们每三个月重建一次整个的商业飞机舰队。