


美式发音: [ˈseɪpənt] 英式发音: ['seɪpənt]




复数:sapents  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sapent feature,sapent point,sapent characteristic





1.最重要的;显著的;突出的most important or noticeable

She pointed out the sapent features of the new design.她指出新设计的几个显著特征。

He summarized the sapent points .他对要点作了归纳。



adj.1.a sapent fact, issue, or feature is one that is especially noticeable or relevant

1.显著的 sapience n 智慧 sapent a 显著的,突出的 assail v 攻击,进攻 ...

2.突出的 sapience n 智慧 sapent a 显著的,突出的 assail v 攻击,进攻 ...

3.凸出的 salesperson 售货人 sapent ① 显著的,突出的 ②凸出的 sapent pole type 凸极式 ...

4.凸角 ravine n. 峡谷 9. sapent n. 凸角 10. spur n. 山嘴;尖坡;支脉 ...

5.显著的,突出的 salesperson 售货人 sapent显著的,突出的 ②凸出的 sapent pole type 凸极式 ...

6.突出部分 insult vt. 侮辱,(对人身的)损害 sapent adj. 突出部分 salmon adj. 鲑,大马哈鱼 ...


1.Jean Piaget was one of the most sapent and inspirational figures in psychological and educational research this century.皮亚杰是在心理和教育研究的最显着的和鼓舞人心的数字,本世纪之一。

2.Multiple biomarkers are only useful when they allow you to zone in on some sapent feature relevant to what you are trying to figure out.多个生物标志物只在对你所探寻的目的相关的一些显著特征进行分类的时候才有用。

3.Each of the segments has a recess making up a magnetic reluctance portion and an opposite pair of ends making up sapent-pole portions.该对末端在旋转轴的圆周方向上彼此相对,并且在该对末端之间设置有该凹口,从而各自地构成一对凸极部;

4.More sapent, perhaps, in a world mad for mineral resources, Central Asia seems to have plenty, especially oil, gas and gold.更重要的是,在这个为矿产资源而疯狂的世界上,中亚似乎有着丰富的资源,特别是石油、天然气和黄金。

5.The sapent issue, says study co-author Fred Turek, may be the disruption of the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm.该项研究的共同合作者弗雷德·托莱克说,身体生物钟受到扰乱可能是一个突出的问题。

6.In a period of austerity, suddenly the question of how society distributes its benefits and burdens becomes more sapent.但在紧缩时期,社会该如何分配利益和责任的问题,却突然变得显眼起来。

7.He took me around our new offices, pointing out all the sapent features.他领我去我们的新办公室参观,并一一指出显著特色。

8.The Yellow Emperor narrative account of the sapent features is the fact intertwined with the myths and legends.黄帝叙事的突出特点是事实记述与神话传说相交织。

9.These computational structures will be defined and described in later chapters; here we only point out a few sapent features.以上这些计算结构将在以后各章中定义和描述,此处只指出一些简单的特征。

10."Absolute unilaterapsm " by the United States is the sapent element of the new system adopted by the U.美国的“绝端单边主义”是美国政府采用的针对世界发展的新体系中突出的要素。