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abbr.(=would)(=wiring diagram)电路图

网络释义:西部数据(Western Digital);西数;肝豆状核变性(Wilson Disease)


abbr.1.(=would)2.(=wiring diagram)电路图;接线圈

abbr.1.(=would)2.(=wiring diagram)

1.西部数据(Western Digital)M(WD800VE)硬盘评测页面是IT168网站对西数(WD)80G/天蝎Scorpio/IDE/8M(WD800VE)硬盘的评测信息的汇总,IT16…

3.肝豆状核变性(Wilson Disease) 莱恩 Lion 巫医 WD 谜团 Enigma ...

6.威腾智微受惠威腾(WD)和三星电子(Samsung Electronics) USB 3.0外接式硬碟控制晶片订单,6月营收达1.45亿元,月增率达46%, …


1.WD is a drug-treatable hereditary disease, which is rare. However without reasonable treatment, outcome is often fatal.WD是少有的可用药物治疗的遗传病,但未经合理的治疗后果往往是致命性的。

2.Fill the top bowl with ice and place the bottom bowl in a sink of hot water. Spray WD-40 in between them the best that you can.在玻璃杯的顶部放满冰块而在其底部盛满热水,可能地话最好是在它们之间喷进WD-40万能防锈润滑剂。

3.Always use a trademark as an adjective, accompanied by an appropriate noun, e. G. "buy a WD hard drive" not "buy a WD" .始终把商标用作形容词,后面跟随一个适当的名词,例如,“购买WD硬盘”,而不是“购买WD”。

4.Includes WD Sync synchronization and encryption software that lets you save your critical data, and take it with you.附送WDSync同步及加密软件,让您安心储存重要数据,随身携带。

5.Conclusion D13S296 was an excellent polymorphism marker in Chinese and was very important in gene diagnosis of WD.结论D13S296在中国人群是优秀的多态性标记,对WD基因诊断有重要价值。

6.Although psychiatric symptoms are not rare in Wilson's disease (WD), their association with epileptic seizures has not been reported.虽然精神症状并不少见,在威尔逊的病(WD),及其与癫痫发作尚未公布。

7.I suggest referring to up-to-date definitions in the current WD (see Resources) for specific details.因此,建议参考当前WD(参见参考资料)中针对指定细节的最新定义。

8.Then say that you sprayed a pttle WD-40 into the pipe, or put in a tiny drop of gasopne.然后碰一些WD-40(一种可染物)在管子里,或倒入少许汽油。

9.On the basis of the different optimization index, different combinations of optimal-dose herbs of WD can be obtained.根据各指标的检测结果,优化的乌头汤不同剂量组合并不一致。

10.The results showed: the comprehensive properties of the composite processed with ppg-MAH and WD-52 was excellent and made the crystal fine.结果表明:用马来酸酐接技聚丙烯与WD52偶联剂处理过的填充体系综合性能最优,并使PP球晶细化。