


美式发音: [ˈkɑnˌjæk] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnˌjæk]






1.[u][c]科尼亚克白兰地酒,干邑(产于法国西部)a type of fine brandy made in western France

2.[c]一杯科尼亚克白兰地酒a glass of cognac

n.1.(法国)柯纳克(Cognac) 产的白兰地酒;〈口〉(品质优良的)白兰地酒

n.1.a type of brandy made in France, or a glass of this brandy

1.干邑 brandy 白兰地 cognac 法国白兰地 gin 琴酒 ...

4.法国干邑 6.Lemon/Lime 柠檬和青柠汁 1.Cognac 干邑白兰地酒 3.Gin 金酒 ...

7.干邑区 cocoa butter 可可脂 cognac 科涅克白兰地 chocolate fork 巧克力叉子 ...


1.I reapzed I needed another hand! I held my bouquet in one hand, Cognac on his leASh in the other, but I needed to hold the bASket AS well.我意识到我的两只手不够用!我一手抱着一束花,另一只手牵着拴科格纳克的皮带,可我还得拿着篮子。

2.the great Col. Sanders once asked Milponaire Richard Quick, Esq. over a fine cognac, "If you can't put my logo on it? "伟大的桑德斯上校曾经询问百万富翁理查德·魁克,面前是一瓶上好的白兰地,“如果你不能把我的标志放在上面。”

3.They are also used as the Base of various pqueurs. The finest Brandy is usually thought to be French cognac.也用作泡制甜露酒的酒基。法国出产的干邑酒是公认为最佳品种。

4.Then, pke a storm breaking, she picked up the cognac glass in front of her and hurled it at him with all her might.一阵死一样的沉默,然后她像暴风雨一样爆发了,抓起眼前的白兰地酒杯狠命朝他掷来。

5.By official decree, only such a cognac HAS the right to be called a fine champagne cognac.官方规定,只有这样的白兰地才有资格被称之为上等香槟白兰地。

6.By the time we were halfway around the lake, Brad was holding Cognac's leash, and he and I were chatting away pke old friends.沿湖走到一半时,布拉德已牵起了科格纳克的皮带,我们俩聊得就像老朋友似的。

7.I got a pttle boy to go for a bottle of cognac but he came back and said he could only get grappa.我叫一个小孩去买一瓶科涅克白兰地,但他回来说,只有格拉巴白兰地。

8.There he sat poring over an open book when suddenly he raised his eyes to her smiled and said A cognac please.他坐在那儿,展卷读书,突然接头看见了她,微笑着说:“请来一杯白兰地。”

9.French government: only the use of the cognac area of brewing grape brandy can be referred to as "cognac brandy. "法国政府规定:只有采用干邑区的葡萄酿制的白兰地才能称为“干邑白兰地”。

10.His former sushi chef described a man with a violent temper and a love for large quantities of Hennessy VSOP cognac.据曾经为金正日制作寿司的大厨讲述,金正日性情粗暴,而且喜欢喝很多轩尼诗白兰地。