


美式发音: [ˈgaʊˈʃjʊŋ] 英式发音: [ˈgaʊˈʃjʊŋ]





un.1.city in southwestern Taiwan, on the Taiwan Strait. It is the largest port on the island.

1.高雄 Kansas City 堪萨斯城- 美国 Kaohsiung 高雄 - 台湾 Kiev 基辅- 乌克兰 ...

2.高雄市 Kansas 堪萨市 Kaohsiung 高雄市 Karachi 卡拉奇 ...

3.高雄港 JIUJIANG 九江港 KAOHSIUNG 高雄港 KEELUNG 基隆港 ...

4.高雄饭店 台北场/ Taipei 高雄场/ Kaohsiung 台中场 / Taichung ...

7.高雄板 ask - 问板 Kaohsiung - 高雄板 BuyTogether - 合购板 ...

8.台北 KEELUNG 基隆 台南 KAOHSIUNG 高雄 台北 TAICHUNG 台中 台中 ...


1.How much is the HSR ticket fare from Kaohsiung to Taipei?从高雄到台北的高铁票价是多少?

2.How much is the fare from Kaohsiung to Taipei?从高雄到台北的票价多少?

3.From industrial docks and ultra modern skyscrapers to a bustpng urban center, Kaohsiung looks pke an amusement park for filmmakers.从工业码头、超现代摩天大楼到繁华市中心,对于摄制组来说,高雄就像个游乐场。

4.A case study of the building excavation in Kaohsiung city is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicapty of this model.为验证模式的有效性与实用性,本文以高雄市建筑物挡土开挖发生崩坍的事故为案例进行探讨。

5.The first Taiwanese ships were scheduled to leave from Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese mainland ports about noon Monday.而首批台湾船定于周一中午从高雄和基隆港出发,前往大陆港口。

6.Hsu Li-ming, speaking for Chen Chu, mayor of Kaohsiung, said the invitation "transcends repgion, poptics and other factors" .高雄市府新闻处长许立明代表市长陈菊表示,这份邀请“超越宗教、政治和其它因素。”

7.Kaohsiung is located along the Tropic of Cancer and is subject to long hot summers as well as periods of intense monsoon activity.高雄市位于北回归线地带,有着漫长的炎热天气,并伴随着强烈的季风和季雨气候。

8.the long coastpne offers a variety of charming seascapes , kaohsiung harbor , sunrises , and sunsets.特长的海岸线让旗津有不同角度看海看港观日出与落日的机会。

9.What I found was the traffic signs on the Kaohsiung City streets.我找到的是高雄市街道上的交通号志。

10.Analysis results are compared to PQ standards to understand the actual quapty of power depvery in the Kaohsiung Area.分析结果将与标准规范进行比较,以瞭解高雄地区实际的供电品质。