




1.联合利华 10:DODO( 多多) 英国联合利华Unilever) 美国宝洁公司( The Procter & Gamble Co) ...

5.大厂联合利华(中国)技术服务有限公司(HSBC China)、联合利华中国(Unilever) 、普华永道中国公司(PWC)。


1.Though Zhang's micro blog failed to win her the Unilever internship, it did impress one of her alumni at a famous cosmetics company.尽管张闻莺的微博没能为她赢得进入联合利华实习的机会,但却给某知名化妆品公司留下深刻印象。

2.It then decided to get out of bulk chemicals and borrowed and paid too much to buy the specialty chemicals bit of Unilever.它决定走出大批量化学品的生产领域,借了很多钱用以购买Unilever的专门化学品生产。

3.Unilever is in a unique position to understand the interrelationships between nutrition, hygiene and personal care.联合利华在理解营养、卫生和个人护理之间的关系方面有得天独厚的优势。

4.Even with a few wrinkles or grey hairs, a plump pout can takes years off a woman, Unilever scientist David Gunn has found.联合利华的科学家冈恩发现,即使是有一些皱纹或灰发,丰厚的嘟唇可以让女性小好几岁。

5.There were still plenty of first-rate ones: Unilever and Toyota continued to innovate through thick and thin.一流企业仍数不胜数:联合利华和丰田汽车同舟共济不断创新。

6.In an age of globapsation, Unilever's local bosses had become kings who took important strategic decisions autonomously.在全球化时代,联合利华的本地老板们几乎成了国王,他们相当独立的实行一些重要战略决定。

7.And P&G does not sell food, but sales of more than $75 bilpon put Unilever firmly into second place in the consumer-goods league table.宝洁没有销售食品,但750多亿的销售额还是让联合利华在消费品行业排名表上屈居第二。

8.Although Unilever has tried to steer clear of head-to-head competition with P&G, that will not always be possible.尽管联合利华试图绕开与宝洁之间的面对面的对决,但常常无法避免。

9.Hindustan Unilever is one of the jewels in the company's emerging-market operations.联合利华印度是公司新兴市场运作的一颗明珠。

10.Lord Haskins, former chairman of Northern Foods, described Mr Polman's assertion that he did not work for Unilever shareholders as bizarre.NorthernFoods前董事长哈斯金斯勋爵(LordHaskins)表示,波尔曼所宣称的不为联合利华股东工作的观点十分怪诞。