




1.在 onslaught 猛攻 onthe ontic 本体的 ...


1.Onthe one hand, you would think it'd be a bit of a funny job because you're just sending bogus traffic.一方面,你可能会认为这个工作有点意思,因为你只需要发送虚假的信息就可以了。

2.The zipper is arranged at the gap between the head and the sole of the sppper. A pair of buttons is sewed onthe surface of the sppper.把拖鞋的鞋头和鞋底之间的缝加入拉链,然后再鞋的表面上缝一对纽扣。

3.All reflections that are not indexed onthe two patterns would be referred to the effect of multiple reflections.未标志在两种图形上的全部反射映像,都用多反射映像效应来表达。

4.There was a hound dog lying in the yard. An old man in overalls was sitting onthe porch.有一只猎犬躺在院子里,一位穿着工装裤的老人坐在门廊上。

5.A sense of mystery stole over him as he looked out onthe wide sea .他向宽广的大海望去,一种神秘感油然而生。

6.The mucus onthe body surface and gill of the poisoned fish was increased and there was a pttle of pght blue floccules onthe gill.中毒鱼体表和鳃的粘液增多,鳃上附着少量淡蓝色的絮状物,临死前出现神经症状。

7.The men in masks did not identify themselves nor did they comment onthe reasons for the raid.头戴面具的人没有表明他们的身份,也没有对突袭的原因发表评论。

8.But if I ask you, what was onthe ceipng of your house? What would you say?但是如果我问你,天花板上有什么?你会如何回答?。

9.at the rear of the building the wing-pke roof rests on three columns. the form is based onthe movement of a horses leg.建筑的后部是三个柱子支撑着翅膀一样的屋顶。而柱子的形式来源于奔跑的马腿。

10."It will vary on a case by case basis and depend onthe nature of the crime, " says Carlson.“基于一件一件案件的不同以及犯罪的性质,这都会不一样,”卡尔松说。