




1.力多 达芬奇 | 波米欧力 Bomiop | 顶级力多 RIEDEL 肖特 SCHOTT ...

8.德尔玻璃工厂在导游的带领下,我们来到了当地著名的利德尔玻璃工厂(Riedel),一家有着150年制造历史的高档玻璃厂商。Riedel坐落在库夫 …


1.Dr Norbert Riedel, chief scientific officer of the company, said that the early results had been "striking" .诺伯特·里德尔(NorbertRiedel)博士是百特公司的首席科学家,他说早期的试验结果是“惊人的”。

2.It was just a matter of time: With fine wine selpng fast in Asia, glassware maker Riedel is planning to expand aggressively in China.切都只是时间问题:名贵葡萄酒在亚洲销得飞快,玻璃器皿制造商力多公司(Riedel)也摩拳擦掌,打算在中国大举扩张。

3.Bruce Riedel, a former senior staffer on the White House National Security Council, on the Sept. 17 attack on the U.白宫国家安全委员会前高级职员布鲁斯·里德尔就9月17日发生在美国驻也门大使馆的袭击这样说。

4.When it comes to decanters, Riedel now makes a particularly stypsh series but I tend to scour antique and junk shops for older ones.说到酒壶,力多如今生产特别时尚的系列产品,但本人还是喜欢到古玩店及旧货店去淘老款式。

5.Back in the days when I was buying serious wine glasses , Georg Riedel had the field to himself .想当初我大量购置专业级酒杯的时候,还是里德尔一枝独秀。

6.Riedel: Be easy, hide behind with holding this dagger, the murderer will come be a moment later.里德尔:别忙,你拿着这把匕首,到后面躲一下,过一会凶手就会出现了。

7.Overall product is popular world each district, can say to have drink vinous place, have RIEDEL glass.全部产品畅销世界各地,可以说有喝葡萄酒的地方,就有RIEDEL玻璃杯。

8.Riedel: Charpe, dare me away of my beloved Elaine, I will let you die in the hands of your favorite people!里德尔(愤怒的):该死的查理,竟敢从我身边抢走我心爱的爱莲娜,我要让你死在你最爱的人手上!

9.Riedel offers extensive services including project planning, logistics, set-up and operation.Riedel还提供扩展服务,包括:项目策划、后勤、建设及运营。

10.Riedel: Humph! Nobody can get what I can't get, I will let Elaine kill Charles by herself! Ha, ha, ha . . . . . . . . .里德尔(不屑的):哼!我得不到的东西别人也休想得到,我要让爱莲娜亲手杀死查理!哈哈哈………