


网络释义:BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE; 岜; 邦德利


1.BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE Boux Cunghgoz( 布中国) bya( ) ndoeng( 岽) ...

3.邦德利 ... Bpstex 碧唇 BYA 睫毛增长胶囊 dior 迪奥 ...

5.掰掰 ... chao( 掰掰) bya( 掰掰) hola( 你好) ...

6.睫毛修护液 burberry 指甲 BYA 睫毛修护液 boots 小黄瓜三件套 ...

7.必优雅 极美斯 jms 必优雅 Bya 依如芙 yiru ...


1.Ultimately, come regret time, that means there's less ink that needs to be removed, which means less time spent getting zapped bya laser.最后,如果遇上顾客后悔,就可以只去除较少的墨水,也意味着只要花较短的时间使用激光。

2.Last night we camped bya small lake. During thenight, I heard a loudnoise, as if someone waslaughing.昨天夜里,我们在一个小湖边野营,我听到了一声很响的声音,好象有人在大笑。

3.indefinite pronouns, even though they are always followed bya singular verb.不定代词或集体名词,即使这些词是与单数动词搭配。

4.Thesevicesservice included a Special Olympics torch carried bya mother and son, both Special Olympians.葬礼仪式包括一对都是智障运动员的母子传递特奥火炬。

5.Lily was saved bya PLA man in the fire.莉莉在那场大火中被一位解放军战士救了。

6.50 meters above ground dining event arranged bya professional event arranger of Benji Fun company.地面50米以上的用餐活动,由Benji娱乐公司的bya专业事件筹备组来安排。

7.With the development of CAD(Computer Aided Design), the cut- and - try "design has been replaced bya new one, software simulation. "随着CAD(计算机辅助设计)的兴起,出现了软件仿真这一新的设计理念和模式。

8.The sorption pump is cooled bya refrigeration system (14, 72, 90) to promote molecular adsorption in the sorption pump.吸气泵由制冷系统(14,72,90)冷却,以促进吸气泵中的分子吸附。