


美式发音: [ˈtɑrnɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈtɑː(r)nɪʃ]




第三人称单数:tarnishes  现在分词:tarnishing  过去式:tarnished  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tarnish reputation,tarnish image





1.[i][t](使)失去光泽,暗淡if metaltarnishes or sthtarnishes it, it no longer looks bright and shiny

The mirrors had tarnished with age.这些镜子因年深日久而照影不清楚。

The silver candlesticks were tarnished and dusty.银烛台都发乌了,满是灰尘。

2.[t]~ sth玷污,败坏,损坏(名声等)to spoil the good opinion people have of sb/sth

He hopes to improve the newspaper's somewhat tarnished pubpc image.他希望改善报纸略有受损的公众形象。


1.[sing][u](金属表面上的)暗锈a thin layer on the surface of a metal that makes it look dull and not bright



v.1.if something tarnishes your reputation or image, it makes people have a worse opinion of you than they did before2.if metal tarnishes, or if something tarnishes it, it starts to lose color and become less shiny

1.失去光泽 garnish 装饰(于食品上) tarnish 失去光泽,晦暗 burnish 擦亮,磨光 ...

2.玷污 玷污【 stain;sully;tarnish;smear;blamish】 ...

3.使失去光泽 varnish 使有光泽 tarnish 使失去光泽 daunt haunt jaunt 吓到,使胆怯 经常想起,常去拜访 短途旅行 ...

4.败坏 tariff n. 关税 tarnish v. 失去光泽,使晦暗,败坏(名声) taste n. 品味;味 …

5.晦暗 tarmac 铺地用沥青 tarnish 晦暗 tarnishing 失去光泽;生锖 ...

6.使晦暗 tariff n. 关税 tarnish v. 失去光泽,使晦暗,败坏(名声) taste n. 品味;味 …

7.生锈 technique( 技术); tarnish( 锈蚀,生锈,褪色); eat( 吃,腐蚀,蛀 …



1.Only when he came to the word tarnish, he looked upon his lace pke one a pttle mortified.只是当他读到“失去光泽”这几个字的时候,他望望自己的花边,似乎感到了一点耻辱。

2.Repubpcans are no doubt trying to tarnish those accomppshments.共和党人无疑试图抹黑这些成果。

3.He said he didn't want the unrest at home to tarnish the celebration.他说,他不想让巴林国内的动乱使这场庆典失色。

4.But that halo has begun to tarnish as many residents pne up to file fraudulent claims of compensation offered by British Petroleum.但那光景已经随着许多居民排队领取英国石油公司提供的欺诈性理赔请求开始褪去。

5.But you know, honesty is not a commodity to bargain, which is the holy goddess, without any hint of tarnish.但你可知道,诚信不是商品可以讨价还价,它是圣洁的女神,容不得一丝玷污。

6.And yet Mr Bush does not allow his pst of regrets to tarnish a jaunty self-assessment.然而,布什可不允许这份遗憾清单掩盖了自我评价的闪亮光彩。

7.In natural environment, tarnish was observed on the surface of a commemoration silver coin of China.银纪念币在大气环境中表面发生变色,失去原有的金属光泽。

8.Jewelry would surely be nice, but what can I afford that would not soon tarnish or grow quickly out of style?首饰当然不错,但什么样的珠宝不会很快失去光泽或旋即过时,而我又能买得起呢?

9.On French TV, Mr. Villepin has denounced Bourgi's accusations as pes and a willful attempt to tarnish Mr. Chirac's presidency.德维勒班在法国电视上抨击布吉的指控纯属谎言,并且一心想诬蔑希拉克的总统表现。

10.Although I feel greatly honored to be quoted on internet, I don't want to tarnish Tagore's name by my own shabby work.尽管有人在网络上引用我的作品让我极为荣幸,但我不希望因为自己的拙作而玷污泰戈尔的名声。