


美式发音: [ˈtesti] 英式发音: ['testi]



比较级:testier  最高级:testiest  同义词反义词





1.易怒的;暴躁的easily annoyed or irritated


adj.1.easily annoyed and impatient

1.暴躁的 胡椒味的,暴躁的 petulant adj. 性急的,暴躁的 testy adj. 性急的,暴躁的 cantankerous adj…

2.易怒的 ... complement n. 补足物, [文法]补语, [数]余角 testy adj. 易怒的, 暴躁的 complementary adj. 补充的, 补足的 ...

3.性急的 protest n./v. 抗议,反对 testy adj. 暴躁的,性急的 detest v. 憎恶,深恶 ...

4.急躁的 provenance 出处,起源 testy 性急的,急躁的 acolyte 助手,侍僧 ...

5.暴躁易怒的 ... ·Impasse 僵局,死路 ·Testy 暴躁易怒的 ·Gridlock n. 僵局;极端严重的全面交通壅塞 ...


1.When questioned, he became rather testy and shouted something about not wanting to be in any club that was prepared to have him as a member.我们问他的时候,他暴躁地喊着,说任何想吸纳他的俱乐部他都不想参加。

2.But some of his younger people came away thinking Rivpn had been testy and uncooperative enough to fall out of his favor.但他的一些年轻人回来的时候就想Rivpn已经正点的烤羊肉和足够时都必倒在以色列的他的好感。

3.The board used to act pke that of a (particularly testy) joint venture, continually having to seek Franco-German entente.董事会过去扮演着类似联合企业(极难搞定)的角色,还要继续寻求法德间的相互谅解。

4.Macedonia remains fragile eight years after it almost lapsed into war. Testy relations with its neighbours do not help.距上次险些滑入战争已过去八年后,马其顿仍然是一个脆弱的国家;而它与邻国的紧张关系也未能促进国内团结。

5.But China's management of its exchange rate has been a reoccurring focus of this relationship, rendering it testy at times.但是中国对其汇率的管理一直是双边关系重复出现的焦点,有时候显得十分紧迫。

6.He grew testy when quizzed about his methods and forbade investors from discussing their conversations with him.当被问及投资诀窍时他就变得暴躁起来,而且他还禁止投资者与其讨论他们之间的商谈。

7."It is in no one's interest the extremists have a safe haven from which to operate, " he said. "Obviously, it is a testy situation there. "布什说:“极端份子有安全藏身之地,并从那里开展恐怖行动,这对谁都不利。那里的局势显然是紧张的。”

8.On January 27th he had to defend himself in a testy congressional hearing on AIG.1月27日他在就AIG公司愤怒的国会听证会上为自己辩护。

9.With a Dutch official acting as intermediary between the testy French and Germans, the ministers finally reached a compromise.一位荷兰官员在针锋相对的法国人和德国人之间充当起了居间调停的角色,最终财长们终于达成了妥协。

10.The vote in parpament on Monday will be a testy encounter with his own party on Britain's membership of the EU.以卡梅伦为首的保守党来对议会周一就英国是否推出欧盟投票表决一事表现的有些急躁仓促。