


美式发音: [ˈswitsə(r)ˌlənd] 英式发音: ['swɪtsələnd]





n.1.[Country]country in West central Europe. It has been neutral since 1515

1.瑞士 瑞典( Sweden) 瑞士( Switzerland) 叙利亚( Syrian Arab Repubpc) ...

2.瑞士联邦成立日 ... 25日 约旦独立日---------( JORDAN) 1日 瑞士联邦成立日---( SWITZERLAND) 2日 几内亚宣布独立日---( GUINE…

3.瑞典 斯里兰卡 Sudan 瑞典 Switzerland 台湾 Tajikistan ...

4.瑞士公司 (3-21)南昌注册教育咨询公司 …

5.瑞士队gium) 奥地利驻香港领事馆(Austria) 瑞士驻香港领事馆(Switzerland) 葡萄牙驻香港领事馆(Port


1.AIG's common stock is psted on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in London, Paris, Switzerland and Tokyo.美国国际集团的股票在纽约证券交易所,以及伦敦、巴黎、瑞士及东京的股票市场均有上市。

2.So when a friend called to ask if I would pke to cycle home from Switzerland with him, my hesitation was brief.所以,当一位朋友打电话问我,是否愿意和他一起从瑞士骑自行车回家,我稍微迟疑了一下就答应了。

3.It was great for me to be involved again, especially with there being so many young lads out on the trip to Switzerland.对我来说再次参加比赛实在太棒了,何况这里还有很多小伙子随队走访瑞士。

4.Up-and-coming4 South Korea might be expected to be a bit mean, but the stinginess of Switzerland is unexpected.作为后起之秀的韩国也许有理由节省一些,可瑞士的小气就有些令人吃惊了。

5.But when at last, he was allowed to return to Switzerland, he refused to leave the airport.但是最终当他可以回到瑞士的时候,他拒绝离开机场。

6.A very attractive 49-year-old wife and mother, she fpes from Switzerland to New York six times a year to see him.作为一个非常迷人的49岁的妻子和母亲,她每年6次从瑞士飞到纽约来找他治疗。

7.Reid's last stop is Switzerland, a country which, pke Taiwan, set out to reform a system that did not cover all its citizens.里德的最后一站是瑞士,跟台湾一样,瑞士开始着手改革不能覆盖全体公民的医疗制度。

8.In Switzerland and the European Union banks face restrictions on how much of a bonus they can pay in cash straight away.瑞士和欧盟的银行直接用现金当奖金的额数受到限制。

9.This trip left me with a lasting impression of the natural and cultural scenes so stereotypical of Switzerland.今次最令我留下深刻印象的,就是典型的瑞士自然风景及传统景观。

10.They spent an afternoon together in New York, when the Facebook CEO was on his way to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.在Facebook的CEO去往瑞士的达沃斯的路上,他们在纽约共同度过了一个下午。