


美式发音: [sərˈkʌmf(ə)rəns] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈkʌmf(ə)rəns]



复数:circumferences  同义词反义词





1.圆周;圆周长a pne that goes around a circle or any other curved shape; the length of this pne

the circumference of the earth地球的周长

The earth is almost 25 000 miles in circumference .地球的周长大约为 25 000 英里。


n.1.the distance measured around the edge of a circle or a round object or area; the edge of a circle or a round object or area

1.圆周 circular ? adj. 圆形的 circumference ? n. 圆周 circumlocution n. 说话绕圈子;迂回 ...

2.周长 circumcise 环割 circumference 周长 circumnavigate 环航世界 ...

3.周围 ) aquiferous a 含水的 ) circumference n 四周,周围 ) fervent a 热切的 ...

4.圆周线 vi. 循环 circumference n. 圆周,周长,圆周线 clamorous adj. 吵闹的,喧哗的 ...

5.圆周长 circle 圆形 circumference 圆周长 circumscribe 外切,外接 ...

6.周界 周接〖 givefinancialhelpto〗 周界circumference〗 周龄〖 yearpng〗 ...

7.四周 ) aquiferous a 含水的 ) circumference n 四周,周围 ) fervent a 热切的 ...


1.Cut-off The maximum length of sheet that can be printed on a web press and equivalent dto the circumference of its impression cypnder .卷筒纸印刷机所印最长纸度,亦步亦趋是压力圆筒的周长。

2.Hold one end of the Measuring Tape over the plug, then wrap around the ball's circumference until the ends meet.将测量带的一头覆盖住塞子,然后用另一头绕球一圈直至两头相接。

3.I won't admit how much time I have wasted tracking the circumference of my thighs on a spreadsheet, or my caloric intake on the LoseIt app.我不想承认我花了多少时间去记录我的腿围,或者在LoseIt应用程序上记录我的卡路里摄取量。

4.He discovered that the more sides a polygon had the closer its circumference was to that of a circle.他发现,更多的多边形双方已接近其周长是到一个圆圈。

5.Jack and Janice were down in a combat crouch, weapons drawn, searching the beam's translucent circumference for any sign of danger.杰克和贾妮斯弓身做了一个战斗蹲伏,抽出武器,搜索着光束半透明的周边环境中有无危险的状况。

6.When a hatter measures the circumference of your head, he's trying to work out what size of hat would fit you.当一位制帽商测量你的头围时,他是为了找出适合你的帽子型号。

7.When a woman with a chest circumference of 32 inches buys a 36-inch bra, the band often rides up in back, leading to sagging in front.如果一位胸围32英寸的女士买了36英寸的文胸,文胸后面的横带会老往上跑,导致胸部下垂。

8.owing to the function of a barb arranged on the surface of the outer circumference of the metal cup, the metal cup has firm fixing effects.由于金属杯的外圆周表面上设置的倒刺作用,使得金属杯固定效果更加牢靠。

9.The day-month ruler is divided into twelve months along circumference, and the scale of every month is determined by the days in the month.日、月尺沿圆周分为十二个月,每个月的刻度由其所含日数确定。

10.When we have pure roll, the velocity of this point Q, and the velocity of the circumference, - if you can read that-- are the same.在纯滚动情况下,Q的速度,和圆周的速度,如果你们看得到-,是相同的。