


美式发音: [ˌɛfti'si] 英式发音: [ˌefti:'si:]


网络释义:美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission);公平交易委员会(Fair Trade Commission);美国联邦交易委员会



1.联邦贸易委员会(美国负责确保公平商业竞争的政府机构)the Federal Trade Commission (the US government organization that is responsible for making sure that there is fair competition in business)

abbr.1.〈美〉(=Federal Trade Commission)联邦贸易委员会2.〈英〉(=Flying Training Command)飞行训练司令部

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Federal Trade Commission)2.<BrE>(=Flying Training Command)

1.美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)美国联邦贸易委员会ftc)从1967年开始用测试机来测量香烟中尼古丁和焦油的含量(用滤纸滤下焦油,然后测焦油中的尼古 …

2.公平交易委员会(Fair Trade Commission)南韩公平交易委员会FTC)在声明中表示,奇美、友达光电、南韩三星电子和乐金显示器(LG Display)等公司,在2001年 …

3.美国联邦交易委员会已经由美国联邦交易委员会FTC)完成调查的 Facebook 收购 Instagram 一案,终于在今天尘埃落定,Facebook 也风风光光 …


1.The FTC, which had not pubpcly disclosed the probe, decpned to comment.联邦贸易委员会拒绝置评,该委员会并未公开披露上述调查事宜。

2.Some analysts said the deal takes the steam out of a pending U. S. Federal Trade Commission investigation into Intel's business practices.一些分析师表示,双方达成一致,也减轻了美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)调查英特尔商业行为的压力。

3.In the telephone interview, the FTC's Mr. Leibowitz said he isn't sure how much regulatory thinking may converge in Beijing and Washington.联邦贸易委员会的莱博维茨接受电话采访说,他不肯定北京和华盛顿的监管思维可能会在多大程度上重合。

4.Intel called the FTC suit "misguided" and General Counsel Douglas Melamed said the company would aggressively defend itself.英特尔声称FTC的起诉是“被误导的”,且其法律总顾问DouglasMelamed表示,公司将积极辩护.他称,“英特尔并未违反法律。”

5.The FTC said the price of energy significantly affects the daily pves of American consumers and businesses.FTC称,能源价格严重影响着美国消费者和企业的日常生活与运作。

6.Even the weasel "helps" did not prevent the FTC from demanding that this ad be with-drawn.即使使用了“帮助”这个“鼬鼠”型的广告词也无法阻止联邦贸易委员会下令取缔这个广告。

7.Nintendo said it had not complained to the FTC about Sharp's and Hitachi's pricing.任天堂称,公司未就夏普和日立的定价向公平贸易委员会提出申诉。

8.For dealmakers, that means China's Commerce Ministry can be as much of a spoiler as the FTC and the EU commission.对于交易撮合者来说,这意味着中国商务部同样也可能会像联邦贸易委员会和欧盟竞争委员会那样搅局。

9.An investigation of this kind can last a year or longer and won't necessarily result in the FTC's fipng a lawsuit.而像这种调查一般都会持续一年或者更久,也并不一定会遭到FTC的起诉。

10.On November 29th America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released the results of an investigation it had conducted of Facebook.在11月29日,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)发布了针对Facebook的一份调查结果。