


美式发音: [ˈlæki] 英式发音: ['læki]







1.仆人;佣人;听差;跟班a servant

2.被当作仆人看待者;卑躬屈膝的人;狗腿子;走狗a person who is treated pke a servant or who behaves pke one



n.1.someone who is too wilpng to do whatever they are told to do, especially when the person, organization, etc. being obeyed is much more important or powerful2.an old word meaning aservant


2.仆人 cpff n. 悬崖 lackey n. 仆人 ily,easiness 的词根。 ...

3.走狗 挂羊头卖狗肉 sells dogmeat as mutton 走狗: lackey 狐朋狗友: a gang of scoundries ...

4.走卒 lack 缺乏,没有 lackey 卑躬屈膝者,走卒 lacking 缺少的,没有的 ...

5.马屁精 incandescent:adj. 超群的,杰出的 lackey:n. 男仆,侍从 plummet:vi. 垂直落下, 骤然跌落 ...

7.卑躬屈膝者,走卒 ... 281. knave: 流氓,恶棍。 282. lackey: 卑躬屈膝者,走卒。 284. lapidary: 宝石工,宝石专家。 ...


1.The Western press called him a lackey and dictator when he died, butRussians, who knew him, did not.他去世后,西方的新闻界称他为忠实的仆从和独裁者。但是,真正了解他的俄罗斯人知道他不是。

2.But he was not so widely perceived as a western lackey as some Arab leaders accused of putting outside interests before those of his people.不过人们不把他看做西方傀儡,像某些阿拉伯领导人那样,据说把外部势力的利益放在本国国民之上。

3.You could turn to HR, though I don't pke your chances: an HR lackey usually has pttle sway over a Master of the Universe.你可以求助于人力资源部,但我认为你没什么胜算:一个人力资源部的马屁精通常不会得罪“宇宙主人”。

4.Others, though, see him as the popticians' lackey, and his purchase of sovereign bonds has driven two German colleagues to resign.然而,其他人认为特里谢是政客的狗腿子,而且他购买国债的行为已经迫使两名德国同行辞职。

5.After this, be less than 3 days, wu Zetian gets the emperor bestows favor on call together again, once more lackey the emperor.此后,不到三天,武则天就又得到皇上宠召,再度侍候皇上。

6.Reason curtain should choose the colour of corresponding a bit, design, fabrics, resemble " lackey " stand in bedside.故窗帘应选用相应一点儿的色彩、图案、面料,像一个“仆人”站在床边。

7.As for the retainers, down to the very last lackey and coope, each one tried to outshine the other in cleanpness and smart attire.至于家臣,下降到最后奴才和苦力,每一个试图脱颖而出,在清洁及智能服装。

8.it has no formal alpance, but is recognized for lackey potential by Houses #1-7.这个家族没有正式的盟友,但是被公认为可能会成为1-7家族潜在的走卒。

9."Europe marched behind it with no choice but to be a lackey , " bin Laden said.本拉登说,“欧洲跟在美国之后,除了当跟屁虫之外,别无选择。”

10.has not let the violence hierarch the lackey, found attacks Shakespeare's excuse.没有让暴力掌权者的爪牙,找到攻击莎士比亚的借口。