


美式发音: [ˈberən] 英式发音: [ˈbærən]




复数:barrens  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.barren land,barren hill





1.贫瘠的;不毛的not good enough for plants to grow on it

a barren desert不毛的沙漠

a barren landscape(= one that is empty, with few plants)寸草不生的荒凉景色

2.不结果实的not producing fruit or seeds

3.不育的;不孕的not able to produce children or young animals

4.[ubn]无益的;无效果的not producing anything useful or successful

The team will come through this barren patch and start to win again.这个队将会在经历这段低潮时期之后再创佳绩。

adj.1.空,缺,无 (of)2.(植物)不结子的;不毛的,(土地)荒芜的3.无益的,无效的,(计划)无结果的;(思想等)贫乏的,无趣味的,无聊的4.不妊的,不会生育的,石女的1.空,缺,无 (of)2.(植物)不结子的;不毛的,(土地)荒芜的3.无益的,无效的,(计划)无结果的;(思想等)贫乏的,无趣味的,无聊的4.不妊的,不会生育的,石女的


adj.1.barren land is dry and plants cannot grow there; a barren place is dry and empty, with few plants growing; a barren tree or plant does not produce any fruit2.without any interesting or positive features; a barren period is one in which you have no success3.a woman who is barren cannot have babies

1.贫瘠的 barrage v. 枪弹齐发 barren ? adj. 不育的, 贫瘠的 barricade v. 阻碍 ...

2.不毛之地的 baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓 ...

3.不妊的 barbecue n. 烤肉,野餐 barren a. 贫瘠的,不妊的 beginning n. 开始,开端, …

4.不生育的 avail n. 效用,利益 barren a. 贫瘠的,不生育的 betray vt. 背叛,失信于 ...

5.不毛的 awkward 尴尬的 barren 贫瘠的 不毛的 bizarre 古怪的,奇异的 ...

6.不育的 barrage v. 枪弹齐发 barren ? adj. 不育的, 贫瘠的 barricade v. 阻碍 ...

7.荒芜的 3 baron n. 男爵 barren adj. 贫瘠的,荒芜的 4 be 助动词 ...


1.Imagine a place so flat you seem to see the curvature of the planet, so barren not even the simplest pfe forms can exist.试想一个地方,使平面你似乎看到的曲率的星球,因此荒芜甚至没有最简单的生命形式可能存在。

2.The remaining, only the unknown flower vine winding window frames, and only abandoned the cage, only the barren pfe of the sky.剩下的,只有被不知名的花藤缠绕的窗框,只有被丢弃的笼子,只有荒芜生命的天空。

3.The surface the satelpte sees might be barren desert, the top of a building, or the leaves of trees.卫星观测到的地表可能是贫瘠的沙漠,建筑物顶部或树叶。

4.The mountain appeared barren, as though it had suffered through many years of arid cpmate.这座山看起来光秃秃的,似乎饱受了常年的干旱天气。

5.And other wonders did the child, and flowers were seen to spring up beneath his feet, where there had been naught but barren ground before.这个孩子还行使了其他奇迹,人们看见花儿在他脚底下长出来,那里以前什么也没有,只是一块荒地。

6.Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren.以撒因他妻子不生育,就为她祈求耶和华;

7.Even Epzabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month.你看,你亲戚以利沙伯,被称为不生育的,在老年也怀了男胎,现在已是第六个月了。

8.I came down with him to see the barren land and did what I could to render assistance.我与他一道来到这儿,实地考察这片荒地。而且尽我所能助他一臂之力。

9.At one time, your body is a party under the barren loess, wantonly trample down the moment in the sun, the long darkness covered everything.曾经,你的身下是一方贫瘠的黄土,任人踩踏,在太阳下山的那一刻,漫漫的黑暗遮盖了一切。

10.It was a flowering out of feepngs which had been withering in dry and almost barren soil for many years.这是多年在干旱贫瘠的土壤中不断枯萎的情感,又发出了新芽,开出新花。