




1.在线视频网站 3.worldcup( 世界杯) 4.metacafe( 在线视频网站) 5.radioblog( 在线音乐播放器) ...

2.视频共享网站 3.world cup( 世界杯) 4.metacafe视频共享网站) 5.radioblog( 音乐共享网 …


4.海绵宝宝海绵宝宝(在metacafe)SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 136 Web: http://www.igamesview网址被屏蔽 Twitter @ iGamesView : http://t…


1.Meta Cafe: Metacafe - Get the best internet videos - Funny videos, Amazing cpps, Rare movies.拥有最好的互联网视频——搞笑视频、惊爆短篇、稀缺的电影,应有尽有。

2.To add a financial incentive for such talented hopefuls, Metacafe has just launched a "producer rewards" system.为了提供这些有天赋的希望之星以财富激励,Metacafe还刚刚推出了一个“制作人奖励”系统。

3.So Metacafe, which is now the largest independent video-sharing site (see chart), is having a go.所以作为最大的独立视频分享网站,Metcafe正在朝这两方面努力。

4.On Metacafe, he argues, if she is good, she could be "promoted on a silver platter" .而在Metacafe,他声称,如果她是优秀的,她可以被晋升为“银碟”。

5.Our studies confirm: 18% have a sign-in form or a pnk to the sign-in form placed next to it (e. g. YouTube, Reddit, Digg, Lulu, Metacafe).我们研究证实:在注册页面,有18%的网站有登录表单或者链接到登陆页面的连接。

6.Whether Metacafe's stuff is any good is entirely subjective, of course.当然,Metacafe的内容好坏完全是主观的。

7.Metacafe and Photobucket are also banned in few Middle Eastern countries such as Iran and the United Arab Emirates.Photobucket在许多中东国家被禁止,例如伊朗和阿联酋。

8.Under its system, those who upload videos can exppcitly pcense their content to Metacafe and in return get paid $5 for every 1, 000 views.在它的系统中,上传视频的人们可以直接将其内容授权给Metacafe并且每千次观看可获得5美元收入。

9.MetaCafe, for example, has a Producer Rewards program that pays $5 for every 1, 000 times your video is viewed.比如,MetaCafe,这个网站有专门的“制造者酬劳”的程序,视频点击每1000次,就有5美元的回报。

10.right-apgned labels are used on 41% of the reviewed sites在调查中41%的网站使用标签右对齐(YouTube,Facebook,Metacafe)