




1.玩中国本支出(Capital Expenditure)与中国市场China Play),比例上又以中国为重,标的聚焦「中国经济大爆发-BIG BANG」。

3.中国概念股、台湾股市市场分析师认为,最近台湾股市有关於所谓「中国概念股」(China Play)的一些公司股价也在反应此一讯息,如图 …

4.中概股则逐渐风停雨歇,而带领台股力抗金融海啸阴霾的,就属中概股(China Play)为最。


1.Feng is amazing though, i would love to see China play Brazil at some point.冯坤的确神奇,我希望看到中国和巴西打决赛。

2.The weathered granites exposed in southeast China play unique roles in geotechnical engineering and environmental preservation.华南花岗岩风化壳与人类生存发展关系密切,在工程建设与环境保护方面尤为突出。

3.So we ought to make China play by the rules, but they may be starting to do so anyway.因此我们应该让中国按规则出牌,但是他们也许已经开始这么做了。

4.Values Conundrum: Will the U. S. And China Play by the Same Rules?价值观难题:美国和中国会遵循同样的规则吗?

5.The reaction in the west to this stunning success boils down to one question: what role will China play in the world?西方对这一惊人成就的反应,归结成一个问题:中国将在世界上扮演怎样的角色?

6.Q: China is an observer of SAARC, and what role will China play on the SAARC Summit held today?问:中国是南盟观察员,将在今天召开的南盟峰会上发挥什么作用?

7.As to what role will China play on the Middle East issue, my answer is China will continue to play an active and constructive role.关于中国在中东问题上将会发挥什么样的作用,我的回答是,中国将继续发挥积极的、建设性的作用。

8.And finally, why shouldn't China play to its cultural advantage?最后,中国为什么不发挥其文化优势呢?

9.Higher global commodity prices, as well as rising wages in China, play roles in the increasing cost of Chinese goods.更高的全球商品价格,以及中国工资的上涨,促成了中国商品成本的上升。

10.Cities and villages in mountain area, which take up a majority of land in China, play a very important role among cities.留学解答资讯网:山地城镇占我国面积很大一部分,在城市中占有很重要的地位。