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网络释义:之前;安大略美术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario);以前的






1.(与动词简单过去时连用)以前used in expressions of time with the simple past tense to show how far in the past sth happened

two weeks/months/years ago两周╱两月╱两年以前

The letter came a few days ago.这封信是几天前寄来的。

She was here just a minute ago.刚才她还在这儿。

a short/long time ago不久╱很久以前

How long ago did you buy it?这东西你是多久以前买的?

It was on TV not (so) long ago.电视不(很)久以前播出了这个节目。

He stopped working some time ago(= quite a long time ago) .好久以前他就不工作了。

They're getting married? It's not that long ago(= it's only a short time ago) that they met!他们要结婚啦?他们刚认识不久嘛!


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying how much time has passed since something happened

1.以前 79 headache n. 头痛 81 ago ad. 以前 83 illness n. 病,疾病 ...

2.之前 age 年龄, 年纪, 年代 ago 以前, 之前 air 空气 / ...

3.安大略美术馆(Art Gallery of Ontario) aggressive adj. 有闯劲的,侵略性的 ago adv. 以前的,以往的 agree v. 同意,一致,适合 ...

5.常压瓦斯油(atmospheric gas oil)从常压塔蒸馏出的瓦斯油称作常压瓦斯油AGO)或粗柴油。一般是200~380℃馏分,用作生产航空煤油、轻柴油和重柴油。


1.A few years ago, a 75-pound stingray leapt out of the Atlantic Ocean at Vaca Key and slammed into a woman, kilpng her in the process.前几年,在大西洋威卡礁,有一条75磅重的魟鱼越到船上,意外地致使一个妇女死亡。

2.It was one of my pttle sisters 'name, but she died one year ago, you look pke her very much.这是我一个小妹妹的名字,但是她在一年以前死了,你看起来长的很像她。

3.He said his management contacted Renault once "weeks ago and that is all" .他说他的经纪人数周之前和雷诺联系过,并且仅此而已。

4.Just a few weeks ago, she met a friend she had not seen for over 10 years.就在几个星期前,她遇到了一个她十几年没见的朋友。

5.But a long ago there might have been a thick atmosphere that created a green house effect that raised temperatures.但是在当时可能它有一个很厚的大气层,从而引起温室效应而是其气温升高。

6.Only a decade ago, Thailand was one of Asia's strongest democracies.仅仅十年前,泰国还是亚洲最强盛的民主国家之一。

7.A few months ago, a Ugandan newspaper ran an antigay diatribe with Mr. Kato's picture on the front page under a banner urging, "Hang Them. "几个月前,一家乌干达报纸发表了一篇诽谤同性恋的文章,并在首版配上了卡托的照片,下面还有一行标语“绞死他们”。

8.EARLY morning at Barcelona's railway station and the platform crowd looks smarter than it would have done a year ago.巴塞罗那火车站的清晨与月台上人群看似比一年前秩序井然了些。

9.It also said in a recent statement that the U. S. had notified the Pakistani government of Davis' assignment more than a year ago.它还说,在最近的声明中表示,美国已通知在一年多前,戴维斯的分配巴基斯坦政府。

10.If I had met him twenty years ago, I too might have been very worried about Ronnie's future prospects.假如我是20年前认识他,我或许也为龙尼的未来前途感到担心。