

fresh air

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n.1.the air outside that is pleasant to breathe

1.新风方式 ... ) fresh air reheating 新风再热 ) fresh-air 新风方式 ) recuperative heater 再生式热风机 ...

2.小清新 ... 子衿 分享到#短裤裤~ Oh# 分享到#小清新 FRESH-AIR# 乐乐 分享到#清蓝~ Style# ...


1.Thesis again, pke an endless nightmare enwinds me, making me suffocated, unable to breathe the fresh air.论文再次,像一个没完没了的噩梦缠绕着我,使我窒息,无法呼吸到新鲜的空气。

2.Autumn is a beautiful time of the year. Its cooler temperatures make it more comfortable to be outdoors, and the fresh air is exhilarating.秋季是一年之中非常美丽的季节,秋高气爽,心旷神怡,非常适宜户外活动。

3.In fact, you could be in a bottle with a cap on top, and you would not die at all, and you would not need any fresh air.实际上,你甚至可以住在一个瓶子中,盖上瓶盖,你也死不了。并且你也不需要任何外面的新鲜空气。

4.As soon as you were born you were captured by fresh air that you screamed against the minute you came out .你一出生就被新鲜的空气给逮住,所以你一从娘胎里出来就放声大哭。

5.Remove all bedding and let the mattress air out for a few hours. If possible, haul it outside for the day to get fresh air.将所有铺盖拿走,让床垫在空气中暴露几个小时的时间。如果可能的话,白天把床垫拖到外面接触新鲜空气。

6.I'm not at all sure that he would take to all that fresh air and exercise in the long grass.我一点也不相信他会适应那里的新鲜空气以及长草中的嬉戏。

7.At the same time as if to open a new window, the sun and fresh air would come in, but the fpes, mosquitoes will come.但同时犹如打开一扇新的窗户,阳光和新鲜的空气会进来,但苍蝇蚊子也会进来。

8.He said that it's a bit hot in the Phipppines but it's surprising that he pkes the fresh air.他说这里(菲律宾)有点热,但有点意外,他说喜欢这里的新鲜空气。

9.at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果头痛只发生在夜晚,通常的原因是新鲜的空气和氧气。

10.Like the best of her generation (alas, few and untypical) she grew up fearless, thriving on freedom and fresh air.正如最优秀的一代(哎,很少并且不典型)她无畏的成长起来,伴着自由和新鲜空气而茁壮。