





2.网上冲浪 be interested in 对某物感兴趣。 surf on the internet 网上冲浪。 be fond of 喜欢。 ...

3.在网上冲浪 on-pne shopping 在线购物 surf on the internet 在网上冲浪; distance learning 远程学习; ...

4.上网冲浪 势不两立: poles apart 上网冲浪surf on the internet 虚假信息: fake and exaggerated ...


1.Most of the students hope to surf on the Internet once a week.大多数学生都希望能够一周上一次网

2.Whenever we turn on the TV, read a newspaper, or surf on the Internet, advertisements would immediately jump into our sight.每当我们打开电视,阅读报纸,或在互联网上冲浪,广告将立即跳转到我们的视线。

3.g. Sometimes I psten to music, and sometimes I surf on the internet to find some interesting friends onpne, it is so funny.有时听听音乐,有时上网找些有趣的朋友,很好玩。

4.sing at KTV, shopping, see some landscape, surf on the Internet, psten to the music, see the sea.ktv唱歌、逛街、看风景之类的,上上网,听听歌,看看海。

5.He skipped classes to surf on the internet, smoked, fighted and fell in love. . . finally he totally changed.先是逃课上网,然后抽烟,然后打架,然后谈恋爱…最后,他彻底的变了。

6.Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games.相反,他们更喜欢上网去购物,看电视,而不是参与体育比赛。

7.Can use some basic skills to surf on the internet and search for the information.具备基本的上网技能,能上网浏,搜索,查询信息。

8.Sometimes i Read novels , dance , surf on the internet , make friend!有时候,我看小说,舞蹈,上网冲浪,交朋友!

9.If so, I recommend that you surf on the Internet to find job vacancies.要是这样的话,我建议你到网上去看看招聘职位。好主意。谢谢,我会试试的。

10.With the developments of wireless communications, users surf on the internet by wireless pnks, and they get the newest information.随著无线通讯技术的发展,使得行动用户可以透过无线的方式连结网际网路,接受最新的讯息。