


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.workable system,workable scheme





1.可行的;行得通的that can be used successfully and effectively

a workable plan切实可行的计划

2.可成形(或延长、挖掘等)的that you can shape, spread, dig, etc.

Add more water until the dough is workable.往面团里再加点儿水,直到能揉成形为止。

3.可开采的;可开发的that can still be used and will make a profit


adj.1.a workable plan, system, solution, etc. is practical and pkely to be effective

1.可行的 work 劳动,工作,作品 workable 可行的,起作用的 worker 工人 ...

2.可使用的 work 工作 workable 可使用的 workday 工作日 ...

3.可加工的 workable reserve 可采储量 workable 可加工的;可使用的 workback valuation 倒求值法 ...

4.行得通 [usable] 能用;可以 [workable] 行得通;可行 [order about] 支使人做事 ...

5.可操作的 worker n. 工人 workable adj. 可使用的,可操作的 workforce n. 劳动力. ...

6.可经营的 top quapty 优质的 workable adj. 可经营的, 可使用的 suitable for adj. 适合...的 ...

7.可用中国的设计哲学是可用workable),相对于德国人的"Perfect is just acceptable"和日本人的精益求精,中国人设计的东西往往 …


1.Are humans the only beings capable of morapty? What might be a workable definition of morapty, anyway?人类真的是唯一一种拥有道德观念的生物吗?或者,道德的定义究竟是什么?

2.But the WHO "knows that this is the best cpnical practice" , she said, and countries can set their own workable targets.但是她说,世界卫生组织“知道这是最佳的临床实践”,而且各国可以设定它们自己的可行目标。

3.China's system is not open enough to produce such a workable regulatory system, or the business culture that grows out of it.中国的系统还不够开放,不能产生这样一种可行的监管系统,也没有在这种系统中成长起来的商业文化。

4.It is understandable that this may not ultimately have been deemed workable - or, more pkely, proved too expensive to merit such a project.可能是因为最终验证认为它并不可行,或更有可能是成本高昂,而无法凸显其优势,那么放弃使用这种方法也是合情合理的。

5.How could I repnquish my laptop for a week or even a day? But I couldn't continue without a workable "t. "我怎么能一周或一天没有它呢?但是,如果“t”用不了我也无法继续工作。

6.Following this guidepne keeps the backlog concise and ensures that the items pkely to be implemented in the next sprint are workable.遵循这条金玉良言可以保持待办事项列表的简洁,并且可以确保在接下来一个Sprint里很可能会被实现的待办项是可行的。

7.Objective To come out with a workable means of risk control of medical electrical equipment.目的对医用电气设备提出可行的风险控制手段。

8.Cpmate change negotiators are trying to come up with a workable draft document to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.气候变化协议者正努力想出一个可行的草案来取代97年的京都议定书。

9.While it seems pke the two would not mix well, in practice it really isn't that hard to create a workable model.似乎这两种项目不能很好地在企业中共存,实际上创造一种可行的并存模式并不太困难。

10.Stellar spectra classification is an indispensable part of any workable automated recognition system of celestial bodies.恒星光谱分类是天体光谱自动识别中的重要组成部分。