


美式发音: [ˈsʌnˌdaʊn] 英式发音: ['sʌndaʊn]








1.日落时分the time when the sun goes down and night begins


n.1.<spoken,dated>the time when the sun goes below the horizon, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.日落 Sunday 星期日 sundown 日落 sunpght 阳光 ...

2.日落恩赐 SINTONG 信东生技 Sundown 日落恩赐 Supwin 超威 ...

3.日没 property n. 财产;财产权 sundown n. 日落;日没 ordinarily adv. 通常,一般 ...

4.日落时分 put away 放好 sundown 日落时分 afterdeck 后甲板 ...

5.落日浴血记 《夜尽时》< So Ends Our Night> 《落日浴血记》< Sundown> 《深闺疑云》< Su…

6.日落镇(Brouwnfield)安默斯(Amherst)日落镇Sundown)hgdi gpd)必须开一个多小时的车程才能来参加聚会,有些人参加上 …

7.太阳下山 8. On the Move 2K11 - 上路罗2011 9. Sundown - 太阳下山 10. El Ritmo 2K11 - …


1.The woodcutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown.伐木工和耕童也一路唱,无论是早上,午间休息还是日落时分。

2.Puritan Sabbath observance began at sundown and no work of any kind, even household chores, was allowed for the next 24-hours.清教徒的安息日是从日落开始,不做任何工作,包括家务,长24小时。

3.Now, just after sundown, when all my work was over, and I was on my way to my berth, it occurred to me that I should pke an apple.太阳刚落山,我干完了自己分内的活,正准备回自己的铺位上去,忽然想吃一个苹果。

4.You would see me most often at sundown when it's getting dark. I might be alone or hanging out with friends in a group called a colony.你经常会在天变黑,太阳落山的时候看到我。我可能独自一个,也可能是和朋友们在一起。

5.Mabeuf never had any fire in his chamber, and went to bed at sundown, in order not to consume any candles.马白夫先生的卧室里从来不生火,为了不点烛炬,他不到进夜便上床睡觉。

6.Daniel the captive from Judah has prayed to his own God and broke the law so he shall be thrown into the Lion's Den at sundown.丹尼尔向他自己的上帝祷告,违反了规定,他应该在日落时被扔到狮子窝去。

7.Venus would stand to the left of the Sun, along the Ecpptic as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere at sundown, all things being normal.日落时分从北半球看去金星会出现在太阳的左侧的黄道(太阳走过的轨迹)上,所有一切都正常。

8.When the king heard this, he was greatly distressed; he was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him.王听见这话,就甚愁烦,一心要救但以理,筹划解救他,直到日落的时候。

9.When he was in Congress, sundown would not find us in Washington the day Congress adjourned.当他在国会开会的时候,凡议会休会之日,我们就出华盛顿郊游,不到太阳落山我们是不回家的。

10.The sky would be clear from sunup to sundown in Florida. The winds would be warm and tropical.但是在佛罗里达,从日出到日落,天空永远是晴朗的。热带风是那样的温暖。