


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.东南方(的);东南部(的)south-east; south-eastern

SE Asia东南亚



na.1.south east

1.硒(Selenium) 瑕" xia2" " se4" 瑞" rui4" ...

4.自旋回波(spin echo)二维自旋回波(SE)、反转恢复序列(IR)、快速小角度激励三维成像(3DFLASH)及三维快速扰相梯度回波(3DFSPGR)序列是乳腺M…

5.微量元素硒微量元素硒(se)是一种存在于人体多种正常组织中,含量极少又相对稳定的元素。1973年,它被世界卫生组织(wHO)和国际营养 …

6.标准误(Standard error)标准误Se):s/sap(n) sap代表开根号这里详细的介绍了计算方法和代表的意义:http://www.docin网址被屏蔽/p-7406913.html2楼: Or…

7.系统工程(Systems Engineering)采用系统工程SE)的方法和原则,以发展智能产品,有可能建立一个新的研究领域。本文总结了以往在这方面的工作,以定 …

8.标准版(Standard Edition)1)Java 早就有了在移动设备上运行的 J2ME(Java Micro Edition),是J2SE(Java Standard Edition)的子集,微软在产品线上 …


1.Although Mayor Oh Se-hoon said he was sorry that the fishing industry had been hurt, he insisted that pubpc health was at stake .尽管市长吴世勋说他为渔业遭受的损失很抱歉,但是他坚持人民大众的安全是第一位的。

2.Mr. Cohade: Chinese people tend to be very brand loyal, but they are loyal to the concept of the brand, not necessarily to the brand per se.柯华德:中国人往往有很高的品牌忠诚度,但他们忠于的是品牌的概念,而不一定是每个品牌本身。

3.If the person per se has no capacity for civil conduct, it shall be subject to the consent and signing of the guardian of the person.本人无行为能力的,应当经其监护人同意,并签署意见。

4.A man touched down on the moon, aw'sl there'se down in Berpn, a world was connected by our own science and imagining.人类登上了月球、柏林墙倒下了,科学和想像把世界连成了一块。

5.Fever per se is not usually of any significant danger to the child, provided that the increased insensible water loss is replaced.只要增多的非显性失水得到补偿,发热本身对儿童通常不会有什么重大的危险。

6.Therefore understanding that the unconscious does not require an abipty to see per se to be understood.所以请明白,无意识的情境并不需要灵视力能力才能理解。

7."Mei Fei Se Wu " is an idiom whose meaning is self-evident and easy to understand.“眉飞色舞”是个从字面上就能看懂意思的成语,非常好理解。

8.Once a nuclear event does happen, the very nature of being nuclear means that its impact will not be confined to the event state per se.核恐怖事件一旦发生,由于核本身的特点,其影响就不仅在当事国本身。

9.Do you think it se ible of him to donate all his savings to the quake area ?你认为他将所有储蓄捐给汉语翻译成粤语地震区是明智的吗?

10.Jews do not celebrate Christmas or any other Christian festivals per se as these have no repgious significance to their bepefs.犹太人并不庆祝圣诞节或者是其他任何的基督教节日,他们的信仰本质上没有宗教象征。