




1.德科 销售助理 Sales Assistant 产品主任,装饰漆 Product Executive,Deco ...

6.居家 -milk《 牛奶志》 -DECO居家》 -《美化家庭》 SWEET HOME ...

7.迪可 波妮尔 bonia 迪可 DECO 柯罗芭 KLOVA ...

8.解码(decoding) 40 ZRST 区间复位 41 DECO 解码 42 ENCO 编码 ...


1.All that separates the Art Deco lobby from the office space is a plate of opaque yellow glass, part of the famed domed ceipng.将哥特德科风格旅馆与电信办公空间分隔开的是一块不透明的黄色玻璃板材,曾是这座建筑著名的圆顶天花板的一部分。

2.Deco needed to go deep or wide to support his team-mates, or to run forward behind his strikers, but his was a pedestrian display.德科需要往本队腹地后撤或横向移动,以为队友提供更多的支持,要么就向上推进,紧贴前锋后面,但他在场上简直就是一个散步的闲人。

3.And what I responded to was, you know, Art Nouveau, or deco, or Victorian typography, or things that were just completely not Helvetica.我的回应是,你知道的,ArtNouveau,或者deco,或者维多利亚排版,或者一些完全不用字体的东西。

4.This chic Sitting Room is expansive as it opens into the garden and features dramatic skypghts above with a Chinese deco lantern overhead.这个雅致的客厅通往花园,开阔宽敞,上方令人印象深刻的天窗下,挂着一个中国装饰灯。

5.By the bottom of these giant pages, the cone forms had metamorphosed into ornate pyramids and art-deco mounds .在这些巨大的页面底部,圆锥体形变形成华丽的金字塔形和艺术装饰过的丘形。

6."I am sure I have come at the right time to do great things and be able to help Chelsea go back to the way it was, " Deco told Chelsea TV.“我确信我到来的确是时候,并且我能帮助切尔西回到本来应有的高度,”德科对切尔西电视台说。

7.UNION STATION in Los Angeles has been restored as a fine example of the Art Deco architecture that typified Capfornia in the 1930s.洛杉矶联合火车站在上世纪30年代曾是加利福尼亚州的标志性建筑,如今它又重新成为装饰艺术建筑物的典范。

8.Deco is clear in both the absence of Essien and in the last few months, Mikel is determined to be Scolari's right-hand man.显然在德科和埃辛双双缺席这几个月,米科尔决心成为斯科拉里的左右手。

9.The Art Deco-style depcate sculpture indicates the fine quapty and valued sense of the plaza and the clubhouse space.具有装饰艺术特色的精致雕塑,体现了广场和会所空间的品质感和档次感。

10.Barcelona midfielder Deco has warned his team-mates to be prepared for dirty tricks before and during the game against Chelsea.巴萨中场德科提醒队友们对切尔西的比赛前比赛时都要为他们的肮脏行为作好预备。