


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dæfnɪə]






n.1.a tiny freshwater flea with a transparent shell and branched antennae for swimming.

1.水蚤iopoda cladocera),一般常见的有剑水蚤(Daphnia),圆囊蚤(Podon),裸腹蚤(moina)等,其优点为:

2.溞属 damselfly nymph 豆娘若虫 Daphnia 水蚤属 dark band 暗带 ...

4.溞类 ... danleno 手木 daphnia 枝脚甲壳类 dark meat 含血肉 ...

7.米蚤 无节成虾 Brine Shrimp 米蚤 Daphnia 水蚤 Moina ...


1."The Daphnia system is an exquisite aquatic sensor, a potential high-tech and modern version of the mineshaft canary, " he said.“水蚤系统是一种敏锐的水中传感器、一种潜在的高科技、一种现代版的矿区金丝雀,”他说。

2.Goss studied Daphnia magna, a tiny freshwater crustacean used in many aquatic toxicity studies.戈斯研究了大型水蚤-一种用于多项水生毒性研究的微小淡水甲壳动物。

3.Showed that the influence of cadmium and PCP to reproduction capacity in three Daphnia species was different.表明镉和五氯酚钠对三种水溞繁殖能力的影响是不一样的。

4.Water quapty - Determination of chronic toxicity to Daphnia magna Strauss in 7 days - Simppfied population growth inhibition test.水质.蚤状水蚤属magnaStrauss7天慢性毒性测定.种群生长抑制简化试验

5.The certain concentrations of fipronil approaching the LC50 can negatively affect population parameters of Daphnia pulex.氟虫腈在水中的质量浓度达到LC50时对大型蚤的种群有影响。

6.Daphnia magna is recognized as a standard experimental organism in the world.大型水是国际公认的标准实验生物。

7.In addition, the 24h immobipsations assay on Daphnia magna of different drugs at different concentrations was studied.另外,初步研究了不同药物在不同浓度下对大型溞24h活动性抑制作用。

8.Water quapty - Determination of the inhibition of the mobipty of Daphnia magna Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea) - Acute toxicity test水质.抑制DaphniamagnaStraus(枝角目,甲壳纲)活动性的测定.剧毒试验

9.Effects of large filtering zooplankton-Daphnia pulex on phytoplankton communities in a small tropical Lake大型枝角类蚤状溞对小型热带湖泊浮游植物群落影响的研究

10.Detection for toxicity of drinking water and water resource polluted by pesticides and inorganic arsenic with daphnia magna应用大型水蚤对农药和无机砷污染的饮用水和地表水源水毒性检测