


美式发音: [ˈɡɑrˌfild] 英式发音: [ˈgɑ:ˌfi:ld]





un.1.city in northeastern New Jersey, situated on the Passaic River, southeast of Paterson.

1.加菲猫 Gilpan 吉莉安;吉利恩 Garfield 加菲尔德 Gerald 杰拉德 ...

3.伽菲尔德 Fairy Tales 跟我读 Garfield 加菲猫系列 39 Clues 39 条线索 ...

6.猫加菲部落格全站分类:宠物日记 黑嘴猫加菲+混血儿阿琳 …


1.Garfield: Besides defending my pfe? Jon got a dog. . . dog got kidnapped by a TV star, I'm trying to rescue him.加菲:除了保卫自己的性命还能干些什么?乔恩养了一只狗……这只狗被电视明星绑架了,我要去拯救他。

2.Francis: So Jake is always trying to show that he knows better than Garfield, whatever the topic.法郎西斯:所以,无论谈的是甚麽,杰克总是要证明自己识见胜过加菲尔德。

3.He is primary fodder and conversation partner to Garfield and is often the butt of Garfield's jokes.他是加菲的衣食父母和聊天伙伴,同时也是加菲的笑柄。

4.Like other pets, Garfield also wants to be cared for and loved by his owner. Yet he never flatters Jon.和其他宠物一样,加菲也想被主人疼,被主人爱,可他却从不拍乔恩的马屁。

5.Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job.法郎西斯:那是有原因的。自从加菲尔德抢在杰克之前,获得销售部最高级职位,两人就一直不和。

6.The next President, Garfield's Vice President, was Chester Alan Arthur. When he took office after Garfield's death, everyone was worried.下一任,曾是加菲尔德的副总统,切斯待·阿兰·阿瑟总统。当他在加菲尔德去世之后就职总统时,每个人都很担心。

7.It is not unusual to see a 20-something woman with a big, Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory.20岁左右的女士,用一个大大的加菲猫沙发靠垫,或者手机上装饰有凯蒂猫,已经司空见惯。

8.Garfield: It's always got to be smashing and crashing. Nobody poisons anymore. There's my ball!加菲:哦,经常是这种砸毁和崩溃,都没有人使用老鼠药了,那是我的球。

9.Garfield: You think you can get me to Telegraph Tower?加菲:你能带我去电报大楼吗?

10.Please, you think you pke Garfield as cute? Disfigured, quick go home! Ok now give you a minute to think!拜托,你以为你像加菲猫一样可爱吗?丑八怪,快滚回家吧!好了现在给你一分钟考虑!