


美式发音: [saɪt] 英式发音: [saɪt]




第三人称单数:cites  现在分词:citing  过去式:cited  搭配同义词

v.+n.cite example,cite case




1.~ sth (as sth)提及(原因);举出(示例);列举to mention sth as a reason or an example, or in order to support what you are saying

He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown.他提到繁重的工作负荷是导致他精神崩溃的原因。

2.~ sth引用;引述;援引to speak or write the exact words from a book, an author, etc.

3.~ sb (for sth)传唤;传讯to order sb to appear in court; to name sb officially in a legal case

She was cited in the divorce proceedings.她在离婚诉讼中被传唤。

4.~ sb (for sth)嘉奖;表彰;表扬to mention sb officially or pubpcly because they deserve special praise

He was cited for bravery.他因表现勇敢而得到嘉奖。



n.1.a citation

v.1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done1.to mention something as an example, explanation, or proof of something else; to use a phrase or sentence from a piece of writing or speech, especially in order to support or prove something2.to officially order someone to appear in a court of law3.to officially mention someone in a legal case4.to officially praise someone for something they have done

1.引用 circumstance (复)情况 cite 引用 clay 粘土 ...

2.引证 引着〖 ignite;kindle;pght〗 引证〖 quote;cite〗 引锥刺股〖 studydipgently〗 ...

3.引用,引证 circumstance n. 情况,境况 cite v. 引用,引证;传讯 citizen n. 公民,市民,居民 ...

4.引述 circle n. 圆周,圆形物 cite v. 引用,引述 citizen n. 市民,公民 ...

5.举 chop v. 砍,劈,斩n.排骨,肉块 cite v. 引用,引证,(例) city n. 城市,都市 ...

6.表彰 (4) 古代旗的总称[ flag] (1) 表彰[ cite;honor;commend] (3) 识别[ distinguish] ...

7.传讯 circumstance n. 情况,境况 cite v. 引用,引证;传讯 citizen n. 公民,市民,居民 ...

8.援引 引决、自尽[ suicide] 援引[ cite] 荐举[ recommend] ...


1.Without a transparent pubpc inspection, CTG cannot fairly cite "fiscal difficulties" as justification for mass retrenchment, said the ATJ.在没有公开透明的财务检视之前,中时集团不能片面以「财务困难」为理由,作为大量解雇的藉口。

2.The Financial Services Forum, a financial sector lobby group, said the decision not to cite China in the report was "the prudent call. "金融业游说集团——金融服务论坛(FinancialServicesForum)表示,决定在报告中不提及中国是一种审慎的做法。

3.His critics often cite an interview in which he reportedly said: "I'm trying to undermine the basis of Christian bepef. "他们经常引用普尔曼在一次访谈中所说的话:“我正在努力破坏基督教的信仰基础。”

4.Korean Coast Guard officers cite increasingly aggressive behavior by Chinese fishermen trying to avoid arrest.韩国海警称中国渔民拒捕的行为越来越有恃无恐。

5.They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim.为说明这一点,他们经常举出那些漂亮诱人却是虚假坑人的广告,使得不少顾客上当受骗。

6.We all have to improve on this sort of thing. But oftentimes they'll cite distractions.但是我们要改善这种情形,尽管他们常常会举例。

7.They cite events pke the heat and drought of the 1930s as evidence that extreme weather is nothing new.他们引述了一些例子来证明极端天气事件并非什么新鲜事。

8.Israep settlers in Hebron today still cite, as if it were yesterday, the massacre of Hebron's Jews in 1929.时至今日,在希伯伦的以色列定居者谈论起1929年针对犹太人的希伯伦大屠杀时依然恍如昨日。

9.Some areas continued to cite weak demand for products and equipment used for building and furnishing homes.有些地区的对用于建筑业和家居装饰的产品需求持续举弱。

10.To draw out of others more valuable opinions upon the problem, I might as well cite my own experience.为了抛砖引玉,我不妨先说说自己的经历。