




1.琐珥 soar vi. 猛增;高飞,升腾;高涨;屹立 Zoar n. 避难所(见旧约创世记) boar n. 野猪; …

3.纸 (hoax) 化 (zoar) (hoex) 货 ...

4.隐形战机 Zing Zing Zip 真真急炮 Zoar 隐形战机 Zoar Zodiack 太空飞艇 ...

5.泄 zor 作 zoar zoan 专砖 ...

6.艾先 德尔_ Dee 艾先_ ZOAR 艾先_ ZOAR 8-20 ...

7.左耳 TOFU |豆腐 Zoar |左耳 Booday |蘑菇(台湾) ...

8.猫鼻头3/8(五) C/2011 L4 彗星 转播点1: 猫鼻头 (zoar)3/9或10 C/2011 L4 彗星 转播点2: 昆阳或塔塔加 (~杰克森~)3/16(六) C/2011 L4 …


1.Haste thee, escape thither ; for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither . Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.你要速速地逃到那城。因为你还没有到那里,我不能作什么。因此那城名叫琐珥(琐珥就是小的意思)。

2.Go there quickly, for I am not able to do anything till you have come there. For this reason, the town was named Zoar.22你要速速地逃到那城;因为你还没有到那里,我不能做什麽。因此那城名叫琐珥【就是小的意思】。

3.The sun was risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar.罗特到了左哈尔时,太阳已升出地面;

4.And the Negev; and the Plain, that is, the valley of Jericho, the city of palm trees, as far as Zoar.南地,以及那平原,就是棕树城耶利哥的山谷,直到琐珥。