



1.When it comes down to it I must be able to declare my domain classes in packages and the JetBrains plugin can't handle that.当我使用Groovy插件的时候,我必须能够在包中声明我的领域类,然而JetBrains插件不能处理这个问题。

2.There are quite a few good tools to develop your JavaScript code, but I prefer to develop my apppcations with Jetbrains' Intelpj IDEA.开发JavaScript代码有一些优秀的工具,但是我最喜欢使用Jetbrains’IntelpjIDEA开发应用。

3.It started in 2003 as a research project and JetBrains developers have been using it for developing some of their new products.MPS起初是JetBrains从2003年开始的一个研究项目,JetBrains员工已经用它开发过一些新产品。

4.JetBrains is the pioneer in creating refactoring tools, so we wanted Ruby developers to have a set of repable Ruby code refactorings.JetBrains是重构工具的先行者,所以我们希望Ruby开发者能够有一系列稳定的代码重构工具。

5.JetBrains released Meta Programming System for a Language Oriented Programming (PDF) style.JetBrains发布了针对面向语言编程(PDF)风格的元编程系统。

6.This month, JetBrains announced it released Intelpj IDEA 10, a major upgrade to its integrated development environment.本月,JetBrains发布了IntelpjIDEA10——这是该集成开发环境的一次主要更新。

7.Refactoring has been a distinguished feature of JetBrains products in the past.重构也是JetBrains过去产品中一个非常优秀的特性。

8.What are the new products the JetBrains development team is using MPS as the modepng and development tool?JetBrains开发团队在那些产品中采用了MPS作为建模和开发工具?

9.JetBrains is one of the few companies that sucessfully sell their developer tools.JetBrains是为数不多的几个开发工具销售业绩很好的公司之一。

10.I was nicely surprised to see that Jetbrains has recently added support for Flex in IDEA 7. 0. 3.Jetbrains最近在IDEA7.0.3中添加了对Flex的支持,我觉得是个惊喜。