


网络释义:Joy Of Missing Out; 日本能源; 矫马


1.Joy Of Missing Out

2.日本能源产品有:日立(HITACHI)挖掘机及其配件、日本矫马JOMO)润滑油,下属重庆路锋机械工程有限公司(地址位于巴南区 …

4.伊夏 jopejope 时尚网 JOMO 着魔网 Jshoppers 即尚网 ...

7.吧外交 smile 木枝 JoMo 吧外交 heart 归我心 07:24 ...

8.女神 ... Sun Daol 孙道临 Jomo 女神 Ayman 阿伊曼 ...


1."We must try to trust one another. Stay and cooperate" (Jomo Kenyatta).“我们必须试图相互信任。留下来并且相互合作”(约莫·肯亚塔)。

2.His views were critical of the popcies of Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta and incorporated ideas of Vice-President Oginga Odinga.他对当时肯尼亚总统乔莫·肯雅塔的政策持批评态度,并且也吸收了肯尼亚副总统奥廷加的主张。

3.Jomo Fisher demonstrates a visitor pattern than will walk an expression tree, creating a new tree while swapping out specific nodes.JomoFisher演示了一个使用访问者模式代码,这段代码通过创建一个新树来替换特定的节点,而不是浏览整个表达式树。

4.The main conference centre in Nairobi resembles Jomo Kenyatta's cock, he tells us; Jomo is slang for cock in Mr Wainaina's boarding school.作者说道,内罗毕的主会议中心就像乔莫•肯亚塔的生殖器;“乔莫”在他的寄宿学校里就是“生殖器”的俚语。

5.In Kenya, Obama Sr landed a senior post in the ministry of economic planning in Jomo Kenyatta's government.在肯尼亚,老Obama在JomoKenyatta政府的经济计划部谋得了一个高级职位。

6.Joseph Morgan's favorite horror movie is Interview with a Vampire. He said hewatched the trailer about 20 times. JoMo最爱的恐怖片是《夜访吸血鬼》,他看过20多遍

7.Joseph loves playing the bad guy and causing the drama that the good guys must fix. JoMo喜欢扮演坏坏的角色,在剧中制造好人必须去搞定的戏剧性情节