




1.没有钱 6月17日 naruto-316~321 没有钱 no money3 ...

2.没有钱系列 ... NICONICO 动画 NO MONEY 没有钱系列 TIGER & BUNNY 虎兔 ...

3.没钱什么都不行 形式二:而不是( raher than, instead of) 或者,没钱什么都不行( no money, no good) ...

4.没有金钱 Time is money 时间是金钱 No money,no honey 没有金钱,没有甜蜜 Money talks 金钱万能 ...

5.无钱异议可分为下列五大类 无需要 (No Need) 无钱 (No Money) 不用急 (No Hurry) 不信任 (No Trust) 对寿险有误解(No Understan…

6.二无资金 No time 一无时间 No money 二无资金 No expertise 三无专业技能 ...

7.没钱了 ... 供漆压力 » Available paint pressure 没钱了 » No money 其中两个 » One of the two ...


1.Maybe I can't have more with you. I just a boy who no money and much education with.我不期望能和你有更深的感情,因为我只是一个没有钱,没有太多文化的普通中国男孩。

2.There will be no money as you know it today, or the corruption that goes with it.不会再像今天这样的需要金钱,或者是因为它带来的腐败。

3.I'm afraid that I won't be able to spend the weekend with you in Dapan. For one thing, I have no money and another I'm too busy.恐怕我不能和你一起去大连度周末了,一来我没有钱,二来我太忙。

4.He is lost in London. He has no money and does not know what he should do.他在伦敦迷了路,当时身无分文,不知道该怎么办。

5.Another had not eaten for 'three days as her mother had no money at all until pay day'.另一个孩子“连续三天没吃东西因为她妈妈完全没钱,要等到发薪日才能吃东西”。

6.As this part of people usually has no money, what they see is the rich are using their money here and there to gain benefits from the poor.因为这些人他们通常没有钱,他们看到的是那些富人时不时地用他们的钱想法设法从穷人身上获得利益。

7.They left everything at home for her to manage and she had no money.他们把家里所有的事都留给她去照料,而她却没有钱。

8.With no money and nowhere to sleep he found himself in a bit of a tight corner.身无分文又无处睡觉,他发觉自己有点陷入困境。

9.Then the French company reduced its price for the land and building rights in Panama. It decided some money was better than no money at all.此时,那家法国公司降低了他们对那块土地和开凿运河权利的要价,他们认为,毕竟得点钱总比什么也没有要好。

10.Or two ' Group Wind ' no good cards, but they use the victim cash not much weakness, made no money to wager had to leave.或者两个‘群风’都没好牌,但他们利用受害者现金不多的弱点,逼得对方无钱下注不得不离开。