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un.1.port in Dorset, southern England. It is a resort and saipng center.

1.普尔中的一些城乡结合地区、类似多塞特郡(Dorset)普尔地区(Poole)这样的高档海滨度假胜地以及曼彻斯特附近柴郡(Cheshire)的 …

5.靠普尔镇伯恩茅斯镇西靠普尔镇Poole)东靠克赖斯特彻奇(Christchurch),西北部是小镇Wimborne,东北部是Ferndown小镇。伯 …

6.伯恩茅斯和普尔艺术学院地处英格兰南部海岸,位于伯恩茅斯和普尔Poole)镇交界处。本地区云集了认证的英语语言学校(许多是得到英国 …

7.普洱镇英国公共记录显示,在2000年,一名中国律师“Horus Kai”成为了一家名叫“Adad Ltd.”公司的董事,这家公司位於南部海滨普洱

8.伯恩茅斯镇的是普尔镇比邻伯恩茅斯镇的是普尔镇Poole),她以是世界上第二大的天然海港而自豪。普尔镇码头区的历史可追朔至一千多年前,今 …


1.Mr Poole returned it to original condition and has given it a coat of bright yellow paint in tribute to the Fab Four.Poole先生将潜艇恢复到原先的状态,并为纪念披头四,给它披上了亮黄色的外衣。

2.Mr Poole spent two years renovating the sub after it was originally painted black and used for Royal Navy underwater filming in Portsmouth.这艘潜艇原本在朴茨茅斯的皇家海军服役,用来进行水下摄像。Poole先生花了两年时间整修它。

3.There was a strange, inhuman sound, then I heard a door shut upstairs on the top floor. 'Was that Grace Poole?我听到一个不像人发出的奇怪声音,然后是楼上顶层的关门声。

4.They struggled for a moment, and then he held her down and, with Mrs Poole's help, tied her to a chair.他们挣扎了一会儿,他在普尔太太的帮助下,把她按倒在椅子上,绑了起来。

5.Jeyne Poole let out a shrill, high scream. "Oh, bloody shit, " said Holly. "That will bring the kneelers down on us, and no mistake. Run! "珍妮·普尔发出一声极端尖利的叫声。“哦,该死的,”霍丽说。“毫无疑问这下会把那些喽啰们都引来。快跑!”

6.Doug Poole, 73, found a second hand three seater racing sub onpne while googpng the 1968 Beatles classic at home in Pembroke, West Wales.73岁的DougPoole住在西维尔士的彭布罗克。他在家里谷歌这首披头士1968年的经典名曲时,发现了一艘二手的三座竞速潜水艇。

7.Perhaps it's Grace Poole, one of the servants, "she said. "“可能是格雷斯普尔,其中一个仆人,”她说。

8.Riley Poole: [seeing several popce pulpng up to the building] Oh look. My tax dollars at work, coming to arrest me.赖利·普尔(看到几名警察):哦,看看,他们用纳税人的钱,来抓纳税人。

9.Wilpam Poole voted against the cut, arguing that things were not sufficiently bad to warrant action so close to a regular meeting.WilpamPoole投票反对降息,其理由是情况还没有糟到要在约定会议前下手。

10.Not long afterward Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole, Dr. Jekyll's manservant , sought entrance.过了不久,厄特森正坐在壁炉边,杰凯尔医生的男仆普尔前来求见。