


美式发音: [ˌʌnəˈwerz] 英式发音: [ˌʌnəˈweə(r)z]




adv.by surprise,off guard,unexpectedly,on the hop



1.猝然;出其不意地;冷不防when not expected

The camera had caught her unawares .她毫无防备地被拍摄下来。

The announcement took me unawares .这项声明令我感到意外。

She came upon him unawares when he was searching her room.他在翻她屋子时,冷不防被她撞见了。

2.不留神地;未注意到;不知不觉地without noticing or reapzing

He sppped unawares into sleep.他不知不觉地睡着了。


adv.1.without any warning or anticipation2.without planning or intending to do something

1.猛不防 猛乍〖 suddenly〗 猛不防unawares;unexpectedly〗 猛打〖 smite〗 ...

2.冷不防 冷兵器〖 coldsteel〗 冷不防〖 suddenly;unawares;beoffguard;bysurprise〗 冷菜〖 colddish〗 ...

3.不知不觉地 besides 此外,而且 unawares 不知不觉地 nowadays 现今,当今 ...

4.不料 unaware 不知道的 unawares 不料 unbacked 无靠背的 ...

5.那日子就不知不觉ime),因贪食、醉酒,并今生的思虑累住你们的心,那日子就不知不觉unawares)临到你们; 35 因为那日子要如网罗一 …

6.出其不意的 measles 麻疹 unawares 出其不意的 mores 风俗习惯,道德观念 ...

7.出乎意料地 [ice cold;icy;frosty] 形容不热情,冷淡 [suddenly;unawares; be off guard; by surprise] 出乎意料地 [cold dish] 凉菜 ...


1.Now that you know what to look out for, you won't have to worry about being caught unawares by inflation.现在你知道该注意哪些预兆了吧,这下就可以不用担心通货膨胀临头还不知道了。

2.He took her unawares, coming up behind her to silently!他不声不响地从她身后走过来,吓了她一跳。

3.They catch you unawares, freezing you into your image, telpng you who you are and how much you are worth.他们不知不觉的抓住你,把你冻结为你的形象,告诉你你是谁,值多少钱。

4.These words were just for celebrating my coming birthday, and take this chance to have a look back at my twenties youth wore away unawares.胡言乱语一通只是想为自己庆祝一下即将到来的生日,也顺便怀念一下在不知不觉中虚度的这二十几年青春!

5.The expressions of concern from several neighbouring countries did not catch Beijing unawares.数个邻国表示关切,并不出乎北京的意料。

6.It would run up to people hissing and spitting if they happened to stumble across it unawares, although it never harmed anyone.它会跑到人嘶嘶及随地吐痰,如果他们碰巧偶然发现它措手不及,但它从来没有伤害任何人。

7.Therefore, we must be prepared, mentally and materially, to avoid being caught unawares by such a sudden turn.因此,我们在精神上和物质上都要有所准备,当着突然事变发生的时候,才不至于措手不及。

8.Because while Henry, snapped unawares, looked as good as any woman could hope, Madonna seemed to have been beamed from another planet.亨利在完全不知情的状况下被人偷拍,照片上的她看起来就任何女人所想象的一样,而麦当娜就好象是在来自另外一个星球的聚光灯中。

9.And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and epminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares.而且通过理解您公司的弱点,您可以管理并消除潜在的威胁以免会陷入困局。

10.More frequently than with any other area of card-play, you may stumble into backwash country unawares .比其他打法更常见的是,你也许在困境中不知不觉地误入回流挤牌的领域。