




1.邻苯二甲酸酯对邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)类化合物在我国分布状况的研究进展进行综述,并提出对我国药材主产区邻苯二甲酸酯类的污染状况进行 …

2.邻苯二甲酸酯类由于邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)、双酚A(BPA)和壬基酚(NP)的生殖发育毒性和三致毒性,国外制定了玩具中雌激素含量严格的限定标 …

3.酞酸酯土壤中酞酸酯(PAEs)对丛枝菌根化植物生长的影响 - [王曙光 林先贵 尹睿]竹园放流工程与城市污水海洋处置 - [邓子峰 隋海燕 韦 …

4.邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物水中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物PAEs)的测定 2011-09-07 SPE应用文集003:饮用水中邻苯二甲酸酯类的提取方法 2011-09-07 …

5.酞酸酯类一次性塑料制品中酞酸酯类(PAEs)增塑剂的测定棉织物生物酶冷轧堆前处理工艺研究聚酯超细纤维分散染料染色性能的研究晶 …

6.佩斯葡萄牙的努奈兹(Nunez)和佩斯(Paes)称其为热闹集市,这里是国际商中心。在1565 年塔里寇达(Tapkota)战役之后,此政权随即垮 …

7.酞酸酯类化合物丁鹏,赵晓松,刘剑峰;酞酸酯类化合物(PAES)研究新进展[J];吉林农业大学学报;1999年03期5 莫测辉,蔡全英,吴启堂,王伯光,黄焕 …

8.邻苯二甲酸酯类物质综述了环境中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(PAEs)的理化性质、环境行为及在多介质环境中的污染概况,系统介绍了不同介质中PAEs的 …


1.She thought I had committed to her at the French Open and I thought she was playing with Leander Paes.她以为法网的时候和我说定了的,我么以为她要和佩斯搭档。

2.The degradation of PAEs in three soils were different. DBP in soils was more readily to be degradated than DEHP.不同类型土壤对酞酸酯的降解能力是有所差别的,DBP在土壤中比DEHP容易降解;

3.The city has responded with overwhelming force to a threat that its mayor, Eduardo Paes, has described as terrorism.里约热内卢一直以绝对优势的警力去回应歹徒的威胁,市长EduardoPaes将此一威胁形容为恐怖主义。

4.Phthapc acid esters (PAEs) are a class of refractory poisonous deleterious organic compounds.邻苯二甲酸酯是一类难降解的有毒有害的有机化合物。

5.Heinrich Paes, a physicist at Dortmund University, has developed another theory that could explain the result.HeinrichPaes,多特蒙德大学的物理学家,提出了另一种可以解释该结果的理论。

6.Eduardo Paes, Rio's mayor, plans to pay NGOs to extend their health-care programmes to cover all of the Complexo's residents.里约热内卢市长EduardoPaes计画支付非政府组织,扩大他们涵盖所有ComplexodoAlemão居民的医疗计画。

7.Rio's mayor, Eduardo Paes, has big plans for capitapsing on the city's magic moment.对于如何利用里约的这样辉煌时刻,里约市长爱德华多•帕埃斯有着长远的计划。

8.Objective To find out the level of phthapc acid esters(PAEs) pollution of vegetables, fruits, and dried food in the market.目的了解市售蔬菜水果及干货食品中酞酸酯的污染状况。

9.Mr Paes de Barros notes that the government transfers ten times more money to pensioners than to children.RicardoPaesdeBarros指出,政府花费于领取老人年金者的金钱高出孩童十倍之多。

10.Its busy bazaars, described by travelers such as Portuguese Nunez and Paes, were centers of international commerce.这里的旅行者如葡萄牙的努奈兹(Nunez)和佩斯(Paes)称其为热闹集市,这里是国际商业中心。