

school uniform

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1.校服 westerm-style clothes 西服 school uniform 校服 suit 套装 ...

2.学校制服 ... 商业连锁制服 business chain store uniform 学校制服 school uniform 航空工作服 aviation uniform ...

3.校服系列 环保制服 Environmental 校服系列 School uniform 西服系列 Suit Series ...

4.学生制服 摺山线 crease pne 学生制服 school uniform 折边,翻领,卜头 lapel ...

5.初级学校制服 背心和裤子( vest and pants set) 初级学校制服( school uniform) 蒙果旅行家衣服( mango's traveller suit) ...

6.雨田校服 特种服防护服服 Special clothing 校服服 School uniform 职业装 Business suits ...


1.It was a total surprise when he showed up -- in school uniform!当他出现的时候真让我们惊奇———还穿着校服!

2.How much did you spend on buying school uniform?花费了多少金钱在购买校服方面?

3.Dressed in her school uniform, seven-year-old Rani Eknath Mane waits for her father to finish grinding the family's harvest of chickpeas.7岁的RaniEknathMane穿着她的校服,正替她的父亲等着研磨今天她家收获的鹰嘴豆。

4.Out of one of her school uniform pockets, Ayanami withdrew a small pocket calendar card she had found on the street one day.绫波从她校服的一只口袋里,摸出一张小小的日历卡片,那是有一天她在地上捡到的。

5.It's no good turning you nose up at it, you've got to wear school uniform.你必须穿校服,不要对这种制度嗤之以鼻。

6.And, of course, there was Britney Spears, aged 16, prancing around in school uniform and pigtails in her first music video.当然,还有布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(BritneySpears),16岁时的她留着长辫子,穿着校服,欢蹦乱跳地出现在她的首个音乐录像中。

7.Boys school uniform is a very cool clothes and a pair of pants.男生的校服是一件非常酷的衣服和一条裤子。

8.All dressed in school uniform , the children are almost undistinguishable from each other in the distance .孩子们都穿着校服,从远处简直无法分清谁是谁。

9.Dressed in her pght-blue school uniform, Yang Shasha looks pke any other girl at Beijing No. 66 Middle School.穿着鲜艳的蓝色的校服,杨莎莎看上去就和北京第66中学的其他女孩子们一样。

10.Everyone is asked to wear school uniform and bring water and lunch with you.每个人都要穿校服,自带水和午饭。