




1.争取爱 ... Different Love! 不同爱! Do Love! 争取爱! Dream Love! 梦想爱! ...

2.做爱 ... 自慰=自已安慰自己( to comfort oneself) 做爱=发生性行为( do love) m =月经( periods or menses) ...

3.为爱付出 ... Firstyle=First+style, 第一流行、第一时尚。 do love 为爱付出,得到真爱。 兰琢 LANZ…

4.自言自语 20. Milky Day—carefree & 爱老虎 Do LOVE (自言自语) 39. MOM & 肯定句的母亲 ...

5.就买个枕头俾佢因为希妈妈佢.又吾理屋企.成日就系识得打麻雀.又吾识得服待佢(do love).所以咪..


1.As you can probably tell by now, I really do "Love" what I feel so lucky to be able to do.现在你了解了吧,我是真正‘热爱’着摄影,并且如此幸运我有能力做好。

2.'You're quite right, ' I said, letting my head fall on to Marguerite's knees, 'but I do love you, to distraction. '“真是这样,”我的头垂在玛格丽特的膝盖上说,“但是我发疯似地爱着您。”

3.But we do love each other deeply. So when we're disconnected, how much longer can that last?可是,我们很深很深的相爱,一旦网络断了,真的还可以维持多久呢?

4.I said these but you can usually and I talk more, more exchanges, other I really can't crave, don't you love me, but I do love you.我说的这些只求你能平时和我多说说话,多交流,其他的我真的不敢奢求了,你不爱我,但我却深深的爱着你。

5.Oh, Mr Tumnus - I'm so sorry to stop you, and I do love that tune - but really, I must go home. I only meant to stay for a few minutes.哦,图姆纳斯先生,打断了你的演奏,实在抱歉。我非常喜欢这种曲调,可是我得回去了,真的,我本来只想逗留几分钟的。

6.When you care enough to openly rebuke someone in such a fashion, you show that you really do love the person you are addressing.倘若我们真的关心别人,以至要这样当面责备他,我们所表现的是对他的真爱。

7.There are times when it seems as if God watches to see if we will give Him the abandoned tokens of how genuinely we do love Him.有时候似乎神在看着我们,会不会愿意把一些小的礼物献给他,表明我们对他的爱有多真诚。

8.HONOUR'D SIR - Look to your Wife if you do love her as much as she do love you', and signed, `FROM TWO WELL-WISHERS'.“尊敬的先生……如果你像她爱你一样还爱着她的话,请来爱护你的妻子吧,”信后的签名是“两个好心人”。

9.Tried sending love letters or cards or even flowers or other gifts in hope that they will see that you really do love them?试着给他们发情书或情人卡甚至鲜花和其他礼物期望他们能认识到你有多么的爱他们?

10.If you do not already love your job, then you could consider finding a new job that you do love.如果你还没有爱你的工作,那么你可以考虑找新工作,你不爱。