




1.保持不变 have / keep sth in mind 心里想着某事 32. suggest one’s doing sth 55. stay / keep the same 保持不变 56. ...


1.JH: We expect to keep the same driver pne up next year and if we did not think it was a sound move we would not make it.约翰-豪威特:我们希望能够在明年拥有相同的车手名单。如果我们认为不会是一个合理的改变,我们就不会那样做。

2.We are trying to keep the same spirit but pfe has changed, so you can't do things exactly in the same way. It's impossible.我们一直保持相同的精神,但是生活已经改变,所以你不能用同样的方法套用到训练上,这是不可能的。

3.If you can relate to your partner through her perfume, keep the same perfume with you so that you can feel her presence.如果你可以通过她的香水与她联系起来,那用与她相同的香水,那样你就能感受到她的存在了。

4.Also, make sure you try to keep the same schedule on weekends too, otherwise the next morning, you'd wake later and feel overly tired.还有,周末也一样要保持同样的作息时间表,要不然第二天早上,你就会醒得晚且感觉极度疲惫。

5.I would be happy if I could keep the same passion 5 years later.我会很开心如果五年后我还保持着这份热情。

6.In that sense, would you envision your firm focus still going to keep the same or going to be changed as time goes?从这个意义上讲,你会设想贵公司的重点仍将保持不变或将改变随着时间的推移?

7.But it is impossible that I backspde myself and fall behind him when he keep the same situation.而不能让我自己堕落失败于原地不动的他

8.If you keep the same routine, your body will adapt and a plateau effect (slow or no progress) will occur.如果你的训练计划一成不变,身体就会产生适应,从而产生“高原现象”(长进慢或没有长进)。

9.Well, We need it to look different, yet keep the same basic structure it has.哦,我们需要它来寻找不同的,但保持相同的基本结构是这样。

10.While some sex workers change occupation within the sex industry, some keep the same job, and others leave for new horizons.然而一些性工作者也会在色情行业中换工作,一些人一直从事老本行,另外一些会离开这个行业,寻求新的发展。