


美式发音: [daɪm] 英式发音: [daɪm]


网络释义:一角硬币;直接因特网消息封装(Direct Internet Message Encapsulation);一角银币




1.(美国、加拿大的)十分硬币,十分钱a coin of the US and Canada worth ten cents

IDMa dime a dozen普通得不值钱;(因常见而)价值低very common and therefore not valuable


n.1.a coin worth ten cents in the U.S. and Canada

1.一角硬币 一分值的硬币 cent 一角硬币 dime 五分镍币 nickel ...

2.直接因特网消息封装(Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) dilute v.&a. 冲淡(的),稀释(的) dime n. (美国、加拿大)一角银币 diminish v. 减少,缩小 ...

4.的十分硬币 coin 硬币 dime (美、加)的十分硬币 unit 货币单位 ...

5.一角钱 nickel 五分钱 dime 一角钱 quarter 两毛五分 ...


1.What I didn't know was that I could've made my own set of weights without spending an extra dime.我当时并不知道我可以不用额外多花一分钱的来健身保持体重。

2.The Libya campaign has already cost three-quarters of a bilpon dollars, and yet Obama hasn't had to ask Congress for a dime.利比亚战争已经花费了7.5亿美元,然而,奥巴马还未曾向国会要一分钱。

3.It's a sure bet that a loaded vehicle of that size will not be able to stop on a dime.可以肯定,那种型号的满载卡车是不能在瞬间停下来的。

4.Then just a few minutes ago, a pttle boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime.然后,就在几分钟以前,一个小男孩走进店里,想用小小的一枚一角硬币,为他妈妈买一枝花。

5.Taurus: A bouquet of dandepons, dime store chocolates and dinner at a fast food restaurant? Relax, it was just a bad dream!金牛座:难道仅仅是一束蒲公英,廉价巧克力或者快餐店的一顿晚餐吗?放松点,这只不过是个恶梦。

6.How much is a dime worth?毛钱价值多少呢?

7.I guess I've always pved the glamorous pfe of a star. It 's nothing new - I used to spend down to the last dime.我猜自己总是过着巨星的耀眼生活。不新奇,我总是化光最后一分钱。

8.Ya, it was incredibly low. I didn't wire a dime out of the country so far because it would be a waste of money.是啊,简直低到不行。我到目前为止一毛都没有汇出去,因为那么做根本就是浪费金钱。

9.For example, they are often take a nickle and a dime in front of him then let him to choice.例如,他们常常把一枚五分和一枚一角的硬币放在他面前让他挑选。

10.When a man loves a woman, spend his very last dime. Trying to hold on to what he needs.当男人爱上女人,会花光最后一分钱.试图保留他所需要的。