


美式发音: ['betʃə] 英式发音: ['betʃə]




ph.1.<口>当然,真的,bet you的口语缩略

conj.1.a form of 'bet you' used mainly in conversation

1.你是我的 ... )no need to be alone 当你找对了人, )betcha, 你是我的, )betcha bottom dollar in time 不用怀疑, ...

2.当然了 Shit. Yes. 废话,当然了 Mmm. Betcha. 当然了 Yeah. All that. 是啊,就像那些一样 ...

3.有把握 ... 有把握的 safe 有把握 betcha 有把握 bet you ...


1."I betcha this is just a dream. " Trevor said, agreeing with Lionel. "We jump and return to Earth. "“我打包票你在做梦!”,特雷福说,他同意莱昂内尔的法子,“我们跳出去就可以回到地球了。”

2.There's plenty of science behind this, but the famipar Lay's potato chips slogan pretty much tells the story: "Betcha can't eat just one. "这背后有很多科学原理。但是人们熟悉的雷氏土豆片标语却总告诉人们:“不能只吃一片”。

3.You betcha. My personal goal is to have more than 1m subscribers within 18 months.我个人设定的目标是在18个月内使订户数量超过100万。

4.Is there debate in China over the wisdom of opportunistic overseas acquisitions? You betcha.中国有人争论投机性的海外并购是否明智吗?你可以肯定地回答。

5.You betcha! When we got in there, it was pandemonium.当我们到这,这是一片大混乱。

6.Am I smoking one now? You betcha!我现在在抽一支吗?对了!

7.Betcha can't see me. . .打赌你看不见我…

8.Yeah, you can betcha, oh, I'm gonna getcha.是的,你可以赌上一把,我会得到你。

9.You betcha. - Is it the Itapan guy?那当然是那个义大利帅哥吗?。

10.Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now现在看着我,现在我厌恶我的