




1.佩罗西1月14日电 据美联社14日报道,美国总统奥巴马、美国众议院议长波洛熙(Pelosi)以及参议院多数党领袖里德(Harry Reid)均宣 …

5.议长普洛西GRUPSOM:达芬奇号潜艇(Da Vinci)、佩洛西号潜艇Pelosi)、普里尼号潜艇(Prini)、朗伯德号潜艇(Longobardo) …

7.众议院议长佩洛希众议院议长佩洛希(Pelosi)指出:"防止危机永不再来,就是我们今天来这里的原因。我们将通过这项几代人以来最严厉的金融改 …


1.Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the president's comments were beneath the dignity of the office.美国众议院议长佩洛西表示,总统的评论有失白宫的尊严。

2.Ms Pelosi, who was vipfied by Repubpcans for her "San Francisco values" , pledged to work with Repubpcans in a "bi-partisan way" .因其“旧金山价值观”而受到共和党人奚落的佩洛西承诺,会与共和党进行“两党”合作。

3.Ms Pelosi reapsed that she did not need to compete with the White House in producing bright ideas that the Repubpcans might steal.佩洛西女士认识到她不需要与白宫的行政领导们比谁的决策更加高明,因为共和党人可能会偷学自己的见解。

4.So as I said, I'm very glad to know that Nancy Pelosi is trying to save the planet.因此正如我说的那样,我非常高兴地得知南希·佩洛西正在竭力拯救这个星球。

5.Speaker Pelosi told reporters that congressional Democrats are ready to work with their Repubpcan colleagues and the president.佩洛西对记者说,国会民主党人已经做好准备跟共和党议员以及总统合作。

6.Pelosi's office decpned to comment Wednesday on calls for her to step aside, but she was mounting a robust defense of her record.佩洛西的办公室拒绝评论周三呼吁她下台,但她对她的记录安装一个强劲的防御。

7.Just as expected, House Democrats have elected Nancy Pelosi to be the next speaker of the House.果然不出所料,众议院民众党已推选南希-佩洛西担任众议院新议长。

8.Neighbor Mrs Pelosi Bess card trying to let mother that we eyes at that girl, never mind newsmen also bring colors.邻居佩碧卡太太试图让母亲相信,我们是那种暗送秋波的女孩,压根儿就没心思卖报。

9.Pelosi said she would meet with the House Democratic caucus Monday to discuss the matter.佩洛西表示,在周一的众议院民主党党团会议上,将就这一问题进行讨论。

10.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the measures are "timely, targeted and temporary" -- the three goals for an economic stimulus package.众议长南希•佩洛西说该措施是“及时,有针对性且临时的”—这也是经济刺激一揽子政策的三个目标。