


美式发音: [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 英式发音: ['sʌmθɪŋ]



n.〈婉辞〉同“damn. What the something are you doing here”






1.某事;某物a thing that is not known or mentioned by name

We stopped for something to eat.我们停下来吃点儿东西。

Give me something to do .给我点活儿干吧。

There's something wrong with the TV.电视出毛病了。

There's something about this place that frightens me.这个地方有点儿让我害怕。

Don't just stand there. Do something !别在那儿干站着,做点儿什么吧!

His name is Alan something(= I don't know his other name) .他的名字叫艾伦什么的。

She's a professor of something or other(= I'm not sure what) at Leeds.她是利兹大学某个学科的教授。

He's something in(= has a job connected with) television.他是搞电视的。

The car hit a tree or something .汽车撞上了树或别的什么东西。

I could just eat a pttle something .我只能吃一点点东西。

2.(informal)想来重要(或值得注意)的事物a thing that is thought to be important or worth taking notice of

There's something in(= some truth or some fact or opinion worth considering in) what he says.他的话不无道理。

It's quite something(= a thing that you should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days.如今能有份工作就该知足了。

‘We should finish by tomorrow.’ ‘ That's something(= a good thing) , anyway.’“我们明天应该就能结束了。”“那也好哇。”

3.(informal)(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右used to show that a description or an amount, etc. is not exact

She called at something after ten o'clock.她十点多钟来过电话。

a new comedy aimed at thirty-somethings(= people between thirty and forty years old)一部以三十几岁的人为主要观众的新喜剧

It tastes something pke melon.这吃起来有点儿像甜瓜。

They pay six pounds an hour. Something pke that .他们按每小时六英镑付费,大致如此。

She found herself something of a(= to some degree a) celebrity.她发现自己差不多成名人了。

The programme's something to do with(= in some way about) the environment.这是一个环境类节目。

He gave her a wry look, something between amusement and regret.他用颇耐玩味的目光看她一眼,说不清是开心,还是怅惋。

IDMmake something of yourself有所成就;获得成功to be successful in pfe

He said something else that I thought was interesting.他讲的另外一件事我觉得挺有意思的。

I've seen some fine players, but she's something else.优秀运动员我见过不少,但她出类拔萃。

something else另外一件事;别的东西a different thing; another thing

He said something else that I thought was interesting.他讲的另外一件事我觉得挺有意思的。

(informal)出色的人(或事物)a person, a thing or an event that is much better than others of a similar type

I've seen some fine players, but she's something else.优秀运动员我见过不少,但她出类拔萃。


1.(与形容词连用)很,非常used with an adjective to emphasize a statement

She was swearing something terrible.她骂得很难听。



n.1.〈婉辞〉同“damn. What the something are you doing here”

na.1.“do someone/something a disservice/do a disservice to someone/something”的变体

pron.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to a thing, idea, fact, etc. when you do not know or say exactly what it is2网站屏蔽ed for giving a description that is not exact or that you are not certain of; used for giving an amount that is not exact or that you are not certain of3网站屏蔽ed when you cannot remember the rest of someones name, the rest of a number, the words of a song, etc.

n.1.<euphemism>Same as damn. What the something are you doing here

na.1.The variant of do someone/something a disservice/do a disservice to someone/something

1.某事 Europe n. 欧洲 something pron. 某物,某事 lake n. 湖,湖泊 ...

2.某物 Europe n. 欧洲 something pron. 某物,某事 lake n. 湖,湖泊 ...

3.某事,某物 ... pron. a certain number or quantity 若干; 少数 something pron. 某事某物 sometimes adv. 有时 ...

4.东西 twin 双胞胎之一 something 某事物 must 一定;肯定 ...

6.什么 08.The Shadow Of Your Smile 你微笑的背后 09.Something 某些事 10.Until 在...以前 ...

8.某事某东西 for?? 为,给 something? 某事(物)某东西 break? (课间)休息,中断 ...


1.You could do something with that. You know?你可以试一下。是吧?

2.Next time you are tempted to do something you think you might regret, try reminding yourself that you can say no.下一次在你试图想做你认为可能会后悔的事情时,请试着提醒自己你能够说不,因为你有这个意志力。

3.And yet something had been going on since the previous evening which was all the more worrying because Marguerite was hiding it from me.但是,从昨天起一定发生过什么事,玛格丽特越是瞒我,我越是感到惶惶不安。

4.It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.对全靠“不懂事”而领薪的人,是不容易要他“懂事”的。

5.It was as though I was transported outside my body and I lost myself, but simultaneously discovered something far bigger.我整个人就像被抽出我的身体之外,我迷失了,但同时发现了更大的东西。

6.But knowing when something or someone isn't good for you and taking yourself out of that situation is sometimes the right thing.但是当明白一些事或人对你不好时,应该知道摆脱这种局面才是正确的。

7.Goyle is quite dense. He follows Draco Malfoy around and serves as something of a bodyguard for him.高尔相当笨,他跟着德拉科·马尔福出来进去,充当他的保镖。

8.He was something of a loner, and his early pursuits included studying magic tricks and ham radio.早年的他有些孤僻,爱好变戏法和业余无线电。

9.It's not enough to be sorry, we've also got to do something new, because repentance is essentially recreative and restorative.为罪难过还不够,还要有新的行为,因为悔改在本质上是有建设性的。

10.I might have had a fever, and I thought I ate something bad because I had the runs.而且我觉得我可能吃坏了东西,现在拉肚子…