


美式发音: [ˈstreɪtəˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˌstreɪtə'weɪ]



复数:straightaways  同义词反义词


adv.immediately,at once,without delay,right away,promptly



adv.1.straight away

n.1.a straight part of a race track

1.立刻 ad. (美) straightaway 立刻 tariff 收费/价目表 ...

2.直线跑道 straight-out 坦诚的 straightaway 直线跑道 straightedge 直线尺 ...

3.终点前的直道 《straight》 直道 《straightaway终点前的直道 《stride》 步幅 ...

4.径直 ★ as soon as 一……就…… ★ straightaway 径直 ★ as usual 和平常一样 ...

5.朝一个方向作用的 ... [unrequited love] 单恋,男女间仅仅一方爱慕另一方 [straightaway] 朝一个方向作用的 [one-way] 只向一个方向行驶 ...

6.道直的前点终 ... straight 道直 straightaway 道直的前点终 stride 幅步 ...

7.立即马上 ... instantly 立即马上 straightaway 立即马上 gather 收集 ...


1.The system is also flexible enough to let you create your plan from scratch or adopt an pre-made plan straightaway .这一系统非常灵活,你可以从头开始制定目标,也可以直接采纳已经做好的计划。

2.She was shooting, up in Canada, and she came straightaway to the city.她当时在加拿大拍摄中呢,然后直接到了这边。

3.I noticed straightaway that he had a problem. I knew that, but I still had to remain very focused.在比赛中我发现他的确有很大的问题,但我仍然必须在比赛中做到全神贯注。

4.The gains from competitiveness would not be immediate, whereas the burden of foreign-currency debt will rise straightaway.竞争带来的收益不会立刻显现,而外币债务的负担却会立马出现。

5.Straightaway she got a length of red flannel. From it she made tiny breeches, pttle cloaks , and jerkins.她马上拿了一块红色的法兰绒,用它作了小短裤、小斗篷、小衬衫。

6.She gets the point of it straightaway.她立刻就领会了其中的意思。

7.If there is hate mail, we'd never get to see it, because they've readers to trash that sort of rubbish straightaway .如果有表示厌恶的邮件,我们是不会去看的,因为会有人直接把那些垃圾扔掉。

8.Read our reviews as employer, we are straightforward in terms of money, good work will be paid straightaway.作为雇主阅读我们的评论,我们在金钱方面是直接的,良好的工作将马上支付。

9.He ran doggedly around the far corner, arms pumping at his sides, and into the straightaway.他顽固跑了在远的角落,胳膊附近抽在他的边,和入直线。

10.I wrote back straightaway to say she should come as soon as she'd finished everything here.我直接回信告诉她这儿的事情一完就打发她过去